TIP: Click the underlined text to /ponder/...
The Lore
Welcome to the pod, see the v page for the setting and introduction of myself but we do go live every Thursday 20:00 GMT and Monday 20:00 GMT.
we give way too much control to the viewers, talk in an unapologetically insane manner and barely somewhat program.
The Gizmo
one of the main feature of the broadcast is the high-effort homemade gizmo (the Monstrous Project) we have going on. the source of this project is available under github.
The Chat
since the beginning of Season 1, various bbcode-like syntax can be used to markup your text.
basic syntax is <item key=value key2=value2>text</>. notice the lack of label on the closing tag. tags that do not require a closing tag is labeled "self-closing". all key-values are optional and can be omitted. default value is shown for this documentation.
<reset>: resets any text modification.
<br>: (self-closing) adds a newline (useful in twitch).
<b>: makes the text bold (only supported by corresponding fonts).
<i>: makes the text italic (only supported by corresponding fonts).
<u>: puts underline on text.
<s>: puts strikethrough on text.
<color=#000000>: sets the color of the text.
<tilt=0>: makes the text tilted (character by character).
<size=26>: sets the font size.
<charspace=0>: sets the number of extra pixels between characters.
<lineheight=1>: sets the line height multiplier.
<font=arcaoblique>: sets the font. see !font for the list of fonts.
<wave amp=4 period=16 freq=1>: makes the text wave up and down.
<shake amp=1>: makes the text shaky.
<sprite=blank x=0 y=0>: insert a sprite as if it is text, taking up the specified amount of space. (this is meant to be used in games as we're making it a game engine, may not work great in chat)
The Discord
Our discord has a single channel (kind of) and is fully connected with Twitch Chat. by logging in within discord, you can also execute twitch commands within the discord server. type !login in discord to link your discord account with twitch.
Additionally, thanks to our progenitor, the same channel is also available under IRC through colonq.computer:26697 (over TLS) at #prodarea channel.
you can also use the stream commands FROM colonq.computer irc via !loginirc.
The Screen
The Screen is a replication of the broadcast where you can interact with the desktop. after logging in via typing the !login command on the twitch chat, you can utilize the screen in various ways.
point: make a pointer on screen. when used over prod, it does the twitch headpat thing.
click: click on the screen. this can be used to straighten or close windows, turn prod into 2d, or drop chat window into z-fighting hell.
fling: drag windows and prod around, throw chat messages and windows as well.
spawn window: spawns a window with title and content. you can also spawn a special window by typing Joel or using the !song command.
spawn draw window / draw: opens a window that allows you to draw.
pin: makes an element immune from gravity and killing, broken upon fling.
kill: removes all windows in this position.
remove triangle: removes a random triangle from prod (3d).
song: spawns a media window that plays song based on a superset of Bells of Bezelea that supports multiple instruments and some extra compression.
furrow the mare of eidola: "chase idol dream", creates a window of your profile picture on stream.
gravity: throws all open windows and objects into one direction.
change palette/accessory: toggles palette swap and accessories.
change camera: make the perspective different.
Twitch Commands
All the screen commands can also be used in twitch chat directly without logging in (TBD). we also have some extra commands.
!boosts [person] / !clonkspotleaderboard [page]: shows clonkspotting info, see the pubnix page for details/downloads.
!vote <option> / !bet <option> <amount>: participate in vote/prediction.
!volume <0 to 1>: sets the volume of gizmo.
!randomize: randomizes the palette and accessories.
!unlockicon: unlocks a random icon with 4000 iu. can also be accessed in screen via the left menu.
!shareicon <person>: gift your currently equipped icon set to selected user. costs 2500 iu.
!tranquility: omm...
!flip: flips the column between left and right.
Shimeji Commands
this is your primary representation of yourself on screen, it inherits your chat behaviour as its AI, you can customize its stats and appearance, and it battles with other shimejis. currently not much can be done with it as we haven't properly started season 1.
spawn shimeji: spawns your "little guy". can be customized by sending your spritesheet in #help (!discord).
move shimeji: sets the target destination your shimeji will attempt to move towards.
!attack <person>: initiates a guy combat between you and selected person. both people must have guy out.
!peace <person>: stops fighting person's guy.
!stat [person]: views the stat of you or the selected persons guy.
jump shimeji: queue up a jump to dodge enemies during combat.
spawn fan/antifan: spawns a physics object that affects shimejis.
!levelup [hp/attack/crit]: spend stat points (gained upon winning fights) to become stronger (until death).
Information Commands
various information.
!inst: lists the instruments you can use for !song (see that for details).
!font: lists the fonts you can use in chat. see the above section for details.
!v, !screen, !lore: links you to various sections of this website.
!vod, !discord, !irc: links you to helpful external websites.
!ping [module]: check the connectivity of each module.
!commands: shows the list of commands.
!takeout: exports your current "chatter data".
The actual glossary part of the website
due to prod's insane speeches, we get some words that might be wholly unintelligible for many. this is a compilation.
see also: progenitor zone, please refer to the appropriate section in the glossary there (also written by me).
usually when it says "it happened at this channel" it means prod (or one of the 10 viewers) said some insane shit on someone elses twitch channel that becomes a bit on that channel and then we take it to our broadcast
- original bits
- The Graph: the graph of cyberspace streamers with "software and game development" as x axis and "gay energy" as y axis. this is also where less code more gay (where prod is situated at) comes from.
- Let's see if this is true or rubbish / Vote now in your mobile devices: a mutation of "chat is this real".
- guy: a common way of referring to shimejis, related to the !guy command
- it worked: a response to the !guy command, is now adapted to like 10 different streams. you can !guy and they will do [emoji] it worked.
- raid message: this is our raid message (really)
- prod does not know their age: not even a bit. prod is somewhere between 20 and 25. due to a quote from Forrest zones we tend to describe this state of being as "Pushing 25".
- The Wires: kind of a lain bit. refers to the general zone, or the connection therein
- 8 Curry, 2L Coke and Gum: the ultimate theywoman groceries. struggle is real.
- big: refers to Caram3lnuke's second shimeji.
- IAMUNABLETO: a riff on ICANT, is a real 7tv emote in prod/lcolonqzone
- teal (heart): a heart emote in teal color. all hearts are teal here. there is also an emote for just Teal.
- bigname VT: from clonk imitation, anyone with over 10 viewers is considered this.
- LCOLONQ bits
- Bits: humorous segments of the stream, also synonymous with "idea" (in future tense) or "creation" or "moment" (in past tense)
- Gizmos: a piece of software utilized for fun purposes.
- Mr. Green(and blue/red/yellow): old something awful forum emoticons appearantly, signifies the corresponding emotions. the phrase "Green is Good" is used quite frequently.
- "core": short of "this is me core", something that you are aesthetically attracted to.
- floor: a short, more stoic version of losing status (most likely VIP). "falling to the floor (of social hierarchy)"
- symphony of the night / something of this nature / sotn: can mean whatever it wants it to mean.
- BugSegz / CumJAM: 7tv emote. you can use them there. huh?
- ydwc / yellow duck with cigarette: the "classic" emoji for 7tv.
- Greencircle: a twitch team containing LCOLONQ and prod. from mr.green, has a dedicated front page, a holodex-like multiview program (aka "dex"), and an automatic discord notification system in prod's discord (GreenFeed).
- Joel: a popular 7tv emote and raid message for LCOLONQ. later adapted to the wider gcircle and greatly expanded by venorrak channel with GreenCircle Joel Rankings and a corresponding JoelBot (type !js in veno/LCOLONQ/prod/jake/tyu/etc zone).
- GCP / Global Consciousness Project: an esoteric web project that believes that "RNG machines" across the world and the coherence between them indicates a sort of "global consciousness" and can correlate to real life activities. a second iteration of GCP with a techbro-like website exists, and as a sort of parody GCP3 / Green Collective Projectile was created where coherence between various "RNG"s of greencircle members are calculated (the website is unfinished - real data accessible by !gcp in prodchannel). part of GCP3 is JCP / Joel Consciousness by Venorrak channel. li Meat / Candy: from Homestuck Epilogue, signifies the two different segments of the stream. "meat" refers to the programming section with high productivity, and "candy" refers to the high engagement yapping.
- Boost / Tsoob: a "daily check in" redeem for LCOLONQ channel and a type of currency. !leaderboard and !boosts exists in LCOLONQ channel to view related data.
- Faction Warfare: an ancient bit where every viewers are split into Nate, Tony and Lever. for months there was a current sum of all boosts per faction at the top, fostering a sort of rivalry. in Boosts V1, lever has come out victorious.
- Clonkspotting: a bit that defines Boost V2 thought up in LCOLONQ stream and made by prod involving a userscript. a way to greet LCOLONQ viewers outside of the LCOLONQ broadcast without making noise about it. every LCOLONQ viewers get a mr.green next to the name, and when the green is clicked, both you and them gain 1 boost. !boosts and !clonkspotleaderboard is available in prodzone for leaderboard. currently, ctrl_o is leading with 3k v2 boosts.
- gomorrow: a mutation of "gonico" for "good night computer" and "tomorrow".
- deep viewers at hole.io: a riff on the twitch bots that advertize buying viewers scam websites, a variant of prod clone exists in the LCOLONQ channel (BOT_PROD) that posts "[adjective] viewers at [random io game]".
- I'm a little guy and I like Ice Cream: a bit on LCOLONQ's livestream where he wrote and sang a song (!), its about a guy that likes ice cream.
- I am Rectangular: related bit to above, yes its that tiktok song. later expanded with the korean 90s song that predicted it all and Geordie Greep appearance.
- Slime Girl Cavern: LCOLONQ viewed recent steam releases live. explicit game i think. related: ctrl_o's 2024 !resolution being "mmet slime girl,,". also combined with the "mushroom with tongue lapping water" post to become "Mushroom Girl Cavern" sometimes.
- mrow~: from the popular gif "resisting the urge", when there is nothing to say people just say this. "~worm" exists as a reverse. (also related to the bug=worm bit.)
- Forrest bits
- prod is Mexican and also everyone is Filipino: a certain incident happened where prod and forrest (weird alternate version of the yellow gendervoid creature) did a freaky friday and swapped nationalities
- wau wau wau wau wau: a sort of vocal stim. animal noises. forrest has an emote for this.
- Third Monitor: an extrapolation from "Second Monitor Content" - monitor you use to watch explicit gay media
- Bjork Debut: the pose bjork(like the artist) makes in the album cover, the new gasp emoji.
- Ball Checking: originates from forrest being a gendervoid creature that everyone confuses which side they side in (they side in neither). comes from an anecdote where forrest was asked a ball check and obgyn at once.
- Move to New Zealand: the ultimate destination, like 5 people have sworn to gain disposable income and move to new zealand. prod in specific will build lesbian communes.
- getting "medical": Forrest's currently ongoing gizmo project and also related to the obsession with medical drama. refers to being "sick as hell".
- thank you women: we respect women in this channel. can we shoutout women? thank you women.
- Bald gives you power / Sebastian from Black Butler: happened in the loopzone so also a lala bit as well, related to airflow in your brain like GPU. noted powerful bald people includes Northernlion (malphon), Sebastian from Black Butler, !bald redeem on bigbookofbug channel and Doctor Eggman.
- Money Affirmation: also the loopzone bit, whenever twitch ad plays the loop collectibly recited the Money Affirmation video. it goes: "i'm so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis".
- Hop on Xiaohongshu: somehow the rednote bit kept going past revival of tiktok here, now regarded as the only "Good" social media.
- Malphon bits
- 36 years old: malphon is known to be actually Northernlion (hence 36 years old), JFK (the president), and Trent Timothy (it was revealed to me in a dream (no really)) at the same time.
- !mpreg / !nlpreg / Big and Round: also originally a malphon segment but also kind of a forrest segment. it gets merged with the "it worked" bit and now this also works in multiple places. in forrest stream specifically you also have a !michael command.
- Short Man Rizz: refers to malphon's sleezy demeanor. (and also his height.)
- Bro do you watch FWMC: from malphon's new years special stream, used as a slogan in teeko. refers to tyumici (vaguely).
- +2 / -2 (Different): the evolution of the +2 bit, it increases and/or decreases his "inches".
- other friends bits
- Worms are not Bugs: a great debate of categorizing all animals as either Worms or Bugs. related to the bigbookofbug channel. additionally: cats are worms, MTG massacre girl => massacre worm, a whole bbob ARG, etc.
- Auth Tuah: also a bbob bit. refers to making authentication systems such as OAuth clients.
- ThoseWhoGrow: from urosen channel, i think this is a "Those Who Know" + weed joke ?? those who grow pot. yeah. also see: thosewhoglow, thosewhoblow, etc
- John YIIK: the postmodern RPG. refers to our good friend Tyumici. i mean just look at him (HUGE masculine rizz).
- We are so Normal about Computers: it came from somewhere around exozone? not exactly sure where it is from. refers to loving the computer a lot.
- Ellg: a wired individual, CEO of a multi-million dollar company, the only male uma musume, lore came from his streams.
- The Shrimp: The hardest place to reach in 2kki. there was a whole special hosted from digishell channel and later rotsuki channel as well. we did like 8 hours of shrimp and noone got it. 4th layer of hell.
- witscord (or wcord): the mystical land where prod steals all their jokes from (referred to as witpost / wp). the best of them can be found in masting done. not a twitch channel.
- stazzy: wcord variant of the northernlion "+2", 5 stazzies puts the post on n-stazzy, a starboard equivalent. as opposed to "stizzy".
- elephant: 5 elephant emojis puts your post in the pipe, a mastodon bot, originally for puzzle showcase kinda purposes but became similar to stazzy. as opposed to mammoth, neutral offshoots include ox, hippo and basically every four legged animals.
- casual-two: channel that usually has the best jokes/deepest discussions.
- 1d1p (or one day one puzzle): "weekly" "puzzle" "competition" for thinky kids, a wcord puzzlemaking and solving event where people submit puzzles. see the 1d1p website for puzzles.
- looksy, wtw, beesnation and lopsy: custom symbols clone of witness by various wcord members.
- cryptic crossword: a variant of crossword where clues follow a specific formula. if you see a (number), this is most likely what theyre referring to.
- no point to the game: referring to a scene in Indie Game: The Movie where johnathan blow cries in darkness because soulja boy said there is no point to braid. later this is discovered in the ItemLabel Personality Test thanks to friend of the channel JamsVirtual.
- Witscord The Game 2025: a game being worked on(?) by machka6. status unknown.
we also use a lot of simpleflips and nl references because thats basically where witscord gets their jokes from
- -ma: originates from ligma, its now on everything
- meteor happens: from the xqc debate on big bang or pangrea, sometimes we quote the whole thing. bigbug has an insane redeem that shined brightly in the loopstream.
- too new, too new, tuna!, tuna fish: simpleflips bit from "uncleared levels" (hire a professional to explain this), reason for uncleared
- +2 / -2: i dont think this is originally an nl bit (note: its a jerma bit) but we mostly take it from there
- type A/B chatter: originates from nl viewers backseating games, refers to chatter who is actively participating in the content versus someone who is not
- ICANT / CAUGHT: 7tv emotes that are often spammed in nlzone, they are yellow guys facepalming and also doing the cinema pose respectively
- John X / X andy: not necessarily our words but we use it quite excessively, meaning "owner of X" and "consumer of X"
testing in prod
The One and Only Season we are perpetually in. we focus on getting the core part of the stream up (channel points, emotes, and basic redemptions). we stream once a day for 2 hours, no collabs, no wacky events. however this promise does not last long as we do stream more than once a day and more than 2 hours and collabs and wacky events basically every week lmao.
the incident
VOD unrecoverable - sorry!
everything breaks and prod doesnt have a model, they complain for a bit and log off lol
prod z fighting
actual debut stream, we introduce ourselves and discover the "z-fighting mode".
being The Wired is a gender
The Graph is discovered here, we also make !removetriangle.
all of the streams budget went to infra team
we yap for 4 hours, lay out our plans for future broadcasts and then play noita
i usually go in at an angle too
we make !song and somehow streams for 6 hours. we declare victory
so deep (briny)
fucked up prod fixes fucked up bug and finishes up the song mode
Things definitely need to be done : FUMO
official Scrum Meeting happens and we discuss the future
prod zed pod after after after after after after

NEW uneven dream tour ?? (cu did not come out) :3
you gotta grind your throat
we upgrade the wasd into a fib, but also discovers the deeprooted jank of gizmo1
this ones bad
the rewrite of gizmo goes poorly as both the stream and prod go boneless
I did DDR on my TI-83 in high school
the screen returns in insane fashion and we yap a lot
no voice today?
prod has no mic?? sudden event! and we play some 2kki
there is an entire bible's worth of windows on the screen
we draw a default shimeji for the initiative and then chat spawns 13000 windows on the screen
lets get to negative viewers
the finale
Hypertext Bestiary (kind of)
After 3~4 week break, prod reinvents the gizmo in the Raylib zone - in place of the monogame zone and goes live immediately after missing talking to the computer too much. A lot of jank and below minimum viable product issues emerges.
the incident 2
GGG (gravity is good)
Freaking monday?? also we do ascension but again
I once slammed my balls on the ground, R.I.P Pangea
we get the rest of the thing done, ready for the actual beginning
no signal is real???
we play freaking video games on stream
Hypertext Bestiary (real)
we may actually begin
windows came back
season begin
I have killed everyone
twitch THREE
hello geiser's mom
<::O:1270664307981553674>twitch is done for
we finished dex zone
I have unlimited power now
we make blenderscript better
is anything REAL?
rule 34 suez canal
Nossex? The missing London borough?
im actually unironically back
Chambers Video is Real
i love income
Economy is Real (kind of)
you'd have to throw to lose
i'm John Furryfluid
witscord ATTACK??
WHICH one of you is doing this
ballscord ATTACK!!
lain episode aired on 9/11
economy is finally here
i cant wait to marry floating guy with guns
rortember 2
you need a monkey
clonkspotting becomes real
There's already drug mods
play despacito it may fix it
the second defrag owner is crowned
it says your mother is a hamster
we just kind of yapped here
quick someone reboot prod
adobe products are on steam?!?!?!<?
NEW roadmap til december, audio Happens
!exec 2n ** 1000000n
End of coreZONE
(male, (male, nil))
you can make curry or currying while programming
Revival of the woolly mammoth
non... sincerely... GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Witscord ATTACK??? (we attack them)
you were a gamer before vstyle
TETR.IO Super Streamer Lobby 5
The Story of Undertale(ModTool)
JavaScript is scary and malicious
prod Zed pod HALLOWEEN SPECIAL ...
free guys?
Spring Cleaning in November
THE JOKER has only 1.5% jokerness??
the Guy saga 2/4: going kick style
i am a lowercase no punctuation
Fighting FOUR OAUTHS at once
the Guy saga INTERLUDE: going hand style
sus1d1p observation duty
sudden WOGGLE session
fixed twerking? debuff
the combat is real!!!
Im in your basement
BACKUP stream 2 - kki
Witscord The Game 2025
Witscord The Game Jan 1 2025
hi: working on portfolio thing (chill)

the fish drawer of stream
bandwidth reduction through bureaucracy
social posting era episdoe 2
uuuueh my beejoe....
we hack and possibly also net
oh this week is going to be wild
ty for the pod
Season 1 Finale
Symphony of This Nature
The "OVA" period of Prod Zed Pod, where we do "low-stakes" stream until the "Star Teller" is released.
why must you make them fight!!!
we are 1 indexed because we LOVE lua now (balatro W)
guys we HAVE to do the gamezone like for real oh my god
you would not believe your eyes, a million minecraft guys
13 hour minecraft charity marathon (FOR THE KIDS)
i have RCE on prod's computer
a certain viewer got RCE on prods computer
mmo gamers stay victorious
surprisingly enough this was the most normal prod session in like a month
we are 11 viewer
what is "banter"?
She Void on my Stranger till I'm Gray
experiencing 21 new years at once (megastream)
John Eternallife
game saga 2 - "e era"
"one second babe, gotta open emacs"
did you know that we were drawing each frame 2000 times per second until now
jingles my keys jingles my keys jingles my keys
karkalicious definition makes terezi loco
why am i being farmed
what is holes? furry hole
oh fuck she's bursting
this vod is age restricted ICANT
what is 3rd monitor?
floating city prep the Second (ALSO tyu debut real)
VOD.. erm.. we'll talk about this below
floating city push!! surely one of us will get it
This is literally the cheese equivalent of a horoscope
the wires Heal??
the wires Heal (please)
yellow fellow
roadmap behaviour
are you DELUDED or EEPY, choose one
too many curses
we kind of exist here
hawk 2kki
2kki collab with ellg, and then latedocket
ah my favourite [object Object]
we go HARD on the API style
Warp Zone
You're not supposed to see this unless you have nojs lol hello nojser
These are footnotes to underlined texts
You have Stopped Seeing, and Started Looking. You feel zooted...
Stream Dev
currently on Season 1, on thursdays, we mostly work on The Gizmo, our overlay/stream thing. see below for the extent of what it does.
Game Dev
we are currently on an arc to complete Startellers, my videogame project that needs to be completed til like this year at the very least. we do that on mondays often.
How to Join IRC
see the pubnix guide by noted clonkhead fabius for how to join IRC.
Twitch Chat is actually IRCv3
this also means we have IRC to IRC communication kind of (right now stream chat doesnt get picked up by clonk irc, but the other way works and discord gets picked up by both).
- basic structure is something like [instrument][global modifier][notes] separated by the | (vertical bar) character.
- currently available instruments are sine, tri, sq50 and drum. when instruments are not provided (such as the original bells text), it defaults to sine.
- global modifiers apply to every notes in this track. by default, C is C4, and BPM is 75.
- octave control: ' increases default octave by 2, , decreases by 2 and " increases by 1. this can be combined like ", to -1 octave.
- bpm control: ; to double bpm, : to triple, - to half bpm, = to third. manually typing numbers bells style works as well.
- microtones support: % followed by number to set equal temperment that starts on C. for example, %31 (31EDO) would make C~F6# a single octave.
- & copies the previous track's global modifiers. useful for multi tracks with same bpm.
- . is a blank modifier, and is used to separate instrument from notes. when instrument name is blank, the song gets saved as the "notes" as a title. the song such as .title|sine.[notes...] can be later used like !song title as a shorthand.
- notes are composed of the tone and modifiers. [ character creates a group of tones that plays at the same time and all gets the same modifier. for example, [CEG= plays a 3 beat long C major chord.
- available notes are C D E F G A B, black keys can be expressed by C# D# F# G# A# or alternatively X S R T Q as shorthand. rests are expressed as /.
- lowercase letters are uppercase letters +1 octaves.
- there's also J K L M N H I as C3~B3, Y U O P W as C#3~A#3, j k l m n h i as C6~B6 and y u o p w as C#6~A#6.
- octave control from global modifier also works here, but also bells-style number notation works (C#2 is the same as X,)
- beats control from global modifier works as well, with ;: shortening the beats and -= lengthening it. C;= would be 1.5 beats, and 0.3 seconds on 75 BPM (default).
- beats can also be added or deleted arithmetically by +, ~ (addition) or _ (subtraction). where every term begins with 1 beat. C++ becomes "C for 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 beats", C=+_:- becomes "C for 3 + 1 - 2/3 = 10/3 beats".
- much like octaves, beats can be specified by @ followed by a number. like C#@5.5.
- < and > drops the attack and release of each note respectively, allowing for slide type action.
- ! is a special modifier in that the note doesn't "advance the staff line", allowing for notes to overlap with different note lengths and whatnot without multi tracks. see the blank arpeggio (W@12!/C@11!/S@10!/Q@9 P@12!/C@11!/S@10!/T@9) as an example.
- ? is a special note (NOT a modifier) that takes in global modifier as a modifier. this changes the global modifier mid staff, allowing for bpm shifts and such.
- ] stops modifiers (exists for bells compat).
since prod is korea, Twitch Korea doesnt save VODs despite the setting being on and therefore it is gone. i will recap as detailed as possible to compensate.
after 1(+5/7) week of unhealthy gamer development, prod finally goes live for the first* time. and then everything goes to shit after.
chat stops working after the 10th message, everyone shows up as "prodzpod" (this is technically lore accurate maybe), prod haven't finished making the 3d model thing so its just a png (that doesnt move, worse than a pngtuber), everythings messed up.

most of the discussions remains as part of the twitch-discord bridge that thankfully mostly worked.
prod complains about how they "planned everything and its all fucked up", then tries to showcase the gizmo, and then the stream dies upon !login. they boot it back up only for it to go off again when someone else tries logging in.
they fix like 1 minor issue and then the voice gives in because they were singing vocaloid songs while coding that entire week. they get sleeby and end stream like 90 minutes in. we raided tyumici.
the debut stream happened. the model style appears, the gizmo is shown off, and some introduction happens.
we also discover the modal of "z-fighting", which probably will be a core part of the broadcast.
plenty of errors happen, and the creature gets sent to various inaccessible locations frequently. also the window title is broken. lol.
we raid exodrifter_ after talking about how i was tired when i first joined her stream and was kinda annoying lol
today's accessory is a hastily put together "mushroom witch hat". the concept of a weekly accessory is brought up. the powerpoint docket becomes a regular thing after the positive reception from the first stream.
pose system is shown off as well. the "cyberspace graph mode" is shown off, describing each corners of the gayness scale and softwareline meter.

we also create the first ever general redeem: , that removes a random number of triangles from the creature. creature becomes shambles quickly.
the websocket zone was bugged to hell though, spamming "what???" (also known as inaccessible code mode).
we talk about the progenitors, john react to the -1st session of prodzpod v scenario (the serendipidous collab) within imgeiser, and raid digi_shell with lcolonq in the chat, completing the trifecta.
today's accessory is a halo thing, its got stars in it, brb screen was introduced here, as well as proper window tracking by obs (this is the thing in the episode 1 video)
we lay out our Grand Plan - the temporal list. the eternal formula to HAPPINESS, some may say. the details of this list is still changing and growing with the input of all of you, so please comment if you have a sick idea or feel like some priority shifting is needed.
SEASON 0: testing in prodwe set up the infrastructure necessary to move forward: economy, emotes, achievements, and font renderer is in order.
SEASON 1: "z-fighting era"we will be making chatters into customizable "desktop buddies" that can fight each other and roam around the screen.
we will also make prod desktop buddy into a real executable you can all utilize in your personal computer.
we will also try to move away from javascript, learning various new languages and trying them out by swapping parts of our infrastructure with one written with the new language.
EXTRA: "leveling up""level up"s will be an expensive redeem that multiple people have to redeem to activate. this is done as a way to gauge the sustainability of the broadcast.
upon "leveling up", major additions will happen to the stream. this can be a shift in schedule, some new major goal or format, or some kind of special events.
in terms of what we did today, we yapped for 4 hours and then played a bit of noita. we raided the slab i think
today's accessory is bnuuy monster stuck onto the creatures head.
today the pod experiences EXTREME activity as prod find themselves in a fixation of sorts - we are suddenly thrown off track and begins to create a "song" mode, not too dissimilar to various sources from friends of the channels.
we review (JOHN react) our way into three different videos, lay out what is needed for the song style and begins actually coding on stream????
prod also laments the lack of emote representation and desires this to be rectified immediate. (this is not rectified immediate.)
petting also happens here, as well as the invention of the auto petter.
in the redeem side of thing, we experience the pit and become consumed by it for a solid hour.
we program under duress to create something that is like half working but then realizes the design flaw that doesn't distinguish between chords. we declare DEFEAT and we are lost it all and we are losing and help me to breathe or something of this nature. we went on for 6 hours and we get to see a glimpse of "the limit".
we emergency evacuate onto hexadi lands.
today's accessory is a western ish hat and glasses.
this session marks the beginning of a vicious cycle of "boneless week / bone-in week" that the pod will experience throughout the entirity of the remaining season.
after we push ourselves to "the limit", prod experiences a minor case of bonelessness and experiences lament as to their lack of power.
asquared's auto petter gets more violent and occasionally duplicates itself now. shit gets weird.
we get shocked by it being a fucking month already and does some looking back and whatnot. bottom bar clicking, screen actions as command, !furrowthemareofeidola command was also introduced here, and we introduced more bugs onto the scene.
we also get first message notification, raid notification, god i was productive this week very holy
but yeah we continue off from last week and actually completes song redeem in a relatively good fashion.
we raid dante daedalus mode
today's accessory is roblox mode ??? idk we didnt have much time for this
we introduce two new screen commands: pin and kill to balance the window spams. this however also caused on oversight where a chatter can end a starting soon screen and brb in behalf of the streamer lol.
with the introduction of the screen commands the windows doesnt come back for a good while and the screen remains relatively clean.
instead we spent our entire budget this week on the funny docket which was like a full on business scrum ??? meeting. we kinda shit on our progenitor 1 saying he got famous and he acts like he dont know nobody and my channels kinda like if modclonk ran a silly computer channel (the last part is kinda true still)
we find our sweet spot of "4 hour streaming" and discusses our future plans again (this is going to keep happening until season 1), and discusses any potential wants of the community (10 viewers).
we discuss emojis again (this is still not done) and other various elaborations on the future plans of the episode 3 era. following is a keynote of what we discussed so far.
- General Streaming
- Should we start an hour before: people said no
- I want to involve you guys more in the programming sessions (general statement)
- I thought i needed Videogames to fill the void but you guys are very activitous thank you love you all
- are you guys getting preroll ads despite by non affiliate status: people said no (good)
- Marketing
- we need like a catchphrase or like a brand thing: we kinda have it but "core" thing is kinda weaker than i imagined
- we need to make our own shit that isnt mooching off of clonk lmfao: our entire viewerbase and me is mooched off of clonk LOL
- emotes 2
- should i make it like general emotes or me emotes: people wanted emotes with the creature in it
- i decide to make a sample set as a test, these are mostly static emotes with hastily drawn graphics
- what kind of emotes should we have: we present ideas such as a "sorry" emote, "confusion" emote and teal heart
- achievements
- the icons we have will become gacha bullshit but not entirely
- the icons will have "tiers" and only the "common" icons will be gacha bs, the other tiers will be given out by completing certain tasks (achievements)
- were still working on the achievements but i want to encourage fucking around with the gizmo right i want people to take apart the gizmo and interact with every corner of it
- economy
- this is the stuff we were supposed to talk about since session 1 but we finally have some answers
- things we want to avoid
- create a gap of wealth between new and old chatters, lurkers, discord joiners and etc
- create fear of missing out
- why have economy system
- sense of hoarding (fun)
- protects spam of potentially annoying in excess stuff like songs kind of
- sense of achieving (fun)
- can be used in various projects
- usage of iu
- "spam protection" small cost redeems like windows and songs, and various shimeji redeems we will have in season 1
- big redeems that you have to save up for: unlocking common icon gacha AND "level up prod" redeem (see session 3 lore)
- SOURCE of iu (this is possibly the most important thing we discussed today)
- sitting around in stream (much like twitch points)
- completing achievements along with icons
- talking (but not too much so that lurkers arent too far behind)
- daily checking except its weekly checkin (gives leeway for fomo)
- a random gift system that chatters can trigger (that gives points to random chatters)
- this has few positive effects im looking for:
- making gap between chatters and non chatters smaller (everyone can recieve)
- encouraging active engagement via being a cool gifter to chat but for free
- not enough incentive to create fear of missing (its random whether youll even get it or not)
- it feels good when you get it (random luck that gets better as you sit more in the chat)
- goals for season 1 (major)
- A1: making a little guy (shimeji project)
- chatters will get a desktop buddy virus executable type thing that represents each chatter
- they will be customizable by each chatter, and have ai based on their chat pattern
- chatters can also take over and control the shimeji
- they can spawn them into the screen via a redeem and make them fight each other
- fighting is done via z-fighting and whoever comes out on top wins
- but also theres a skill element by retreating at the right moment and a kind of chicken game aspect (its a lot like runescape pvp)
- these will also be used in various minigames outside of fighting (such as chatter racing, where they will throw previous chat messages at each other to slow each other down)
- A2: prod distributable
- make a cross-platform prod shimeji that actually can live on your desktop and terminal
- desktop prod will react to stream if stream is on, do various creature things and walk around your windows and stuff
- A3: yellow language (never ever)
- we will rewrite various parts of the gizmo in different language than pure javascript and learn various programming patterns while doing so, this is the most technical project out of the A patterns
- B1: ???
- B projects are kind of a secret and is not revealed here
- B2: ???
- something about craft???
- B3: make the game actually god DAMN
- Startellers will be developed live on stream officially confirmed. hopefully we can make the custom C# fake gamemaker engine and get this done this year?? the project has gotten a bit too ambitious though with it now being a "freak game"... we'll see...
we raid keitaro channel (ch)
this "stream" was done in the discord (you should check it out its cool)
we went on uneven dream new update tour and was extremely hectic trying to juggle stream blur issue korea friend following the group and all this
the reason why the stream was open was bc the last x times tour happened new game was released on yno and this time it would be collective unconscious
turns out its not btw that did not happen
todays accessory is a sort of a glitched look, it cycles between all the previous accessories in a random combination from time to time.
i rectify and correctly view the clonk situation as beyond any sort of inferior or superiority but rather a state of equal and comradery. with also i discover an interesting extra discovery in the fact that im speedrunning lcolonq broadcast zone.
we try to shift our gears towards the modularity, but then the broadcast is suddenly stopped as we discover how gouche and sick and twisted the original gizmo is structured. prod swears they will create the new and improved rewrite of the Gizmo 2.
we upgrade the WASD to FIB - basically just wasd with array [] and dictionary {} support, its suffed as always.
we explore the medical doctor x(shipping) cai channel
the "boneless prod" comes and they are actually dead as hell. like deceased. bro is not thinking.
the accessory is literally a greenscreen bc im ready to apologize.
gizmo2 has been built only halfway and like none of the shit worked, including screen, chat for half the stream and all the commands.
we buzz around for a small amount of time and make !qat, crossword finder integration for the gizmo.
we quickly evacuate onto woman channel
the black witchhat and big moon prod is back with a vengeance, and by vengeance i mean the REVAMPED screen. it looks so good now and all the commands are back.
the petting also returns and its somehow even more obnoxious.
we discuss going to "gay con" and have a random Studio369 encounter.
we start sorting icons by rarity and brainstorm some achievement ideas, while discussing future gizmos we can incorporate for the achievements.
this is also rare in that we dont program at all in a while. we instead game for a bit.
we visit kani developer
prod is suddenly met with a cruel fate at 1am when their parents crash the living space because of business related emergency, and mic and keyboard priviledges are largely taken.
they quickly whip up a tts thing (janky) hexadigital style to emergency communicate, and bird noises are abound throughout the stream.
gizmo2 finally goes public, we sorted icons properly, and better font renderer is FINALLY in its early stages of development despite being talked about since episode 1. yeah.
but yeah we bring friends of the stream nichePenguin and ctrl_o computers into Planetarium and Depths zone in the world of 2kkiing. CU hype!
we slip into the realms of the crt man
prod is Green is Good Mode and becomes zenith once more. they try to reference something in the lore but gets lost and becomes john mandela.
they showcase the docket in a new format: drawing worlds in those dream games. we discuss the "Two-Week Cycle" phenomenon they discovered where their energy state is in a state of consistent flux.
they also catch up to the progenitor by becoming bon vivant today, and discusses how they are so back now. we showcase kalimba, we showcase new blog, and we discuss how programmingtime need to be sillier.
regardless, todays stream is artstream where we draw the default shimeji for Ascension purposes.
in the middle we gets bombarded by 13 thousand windows and lag out the computer, art under duress has been achieved.
we adjoin the the president of linux
we start off with the intro offset with the graphic bc lag (LOL bruh), todays prod has blocks stuck onto it and generally unstable.
and then we show off the NEW format in docket: one embedded within the gizmomode.
today's theming is Ooze, the slime, and we reflect on this with :susdie: as we interpret these messages as a form of fluidity, where they finally realize that maybe they shouldnt stress about being funny or silly or entertaining bc theyre not growing their channel anyways and the content doesnt matter as much as banter.
they vow to never overwork themselves again as they immediately announce a overhaul to the cs zone.
we then create the shimejis, going Ascension mode, this resolves quicker than we expect and we add web functionality so you can spawn and move them too.
then the ending gets triggered prematurely and we are sucked into the ending screen where a new season is revealed, with 2 sessions per week and some improvements to come.
we hastily vacate onto the jd channel, and later that day clonk reveals his theme of Ooze as well. we have stepped into the future.
prod is ooze mode (PHYSICAL instead of mental) not because its an intended aesthetic, but like bc the colors broke LOL oh my god
prod returns in below minimum viable product mode, no starting soon or brb screen, physics is very bad ("quicksand" occurs), chat window goes above the zone and covers the creature, everything is wilding.
prod spends 2 week out of their 3ish week break making the elaborate new textmode, and all the functionality of the new v2 textmode is revealed (its awesome).
we do a lot of returnation related chatting, i showcase the new raylib gizmo and tell the tall tale of how we got there, and we overcome this immense duress by coding back some miscellaneous commands like remove triangle, gravity and idol dream.
we tease the next time zone by playing a bit of tetris (HUGE mistake LOL) and raid just about to raid out as well zone.
prod is back into the land of un-oozed, song is back and the quicksand is mostly fixed as well. we encounter a problem where starting soon screen is not closable due to "issues".
we then talk about how it is Freaking Monday ??? this is the first time streaming in monday and its actually kinda wild that it is so soon that we meet again.
we do the ascension again where i create the shimeji things back into reality. unfortunately?? we do the job too early that even after doing the extra quest of putting the user labels in were done, and we weren't going to play freaking tetris again so were raiding seto zone.
prod is mixing and matching season 0 equipments until new season begins proper, and this time its the teal items and white dress.
we talk about the tall tale of prod in Tetris Hell and how they survived the ordeal, and reflects upon the gamerization of last time, vowing to never have such a problem again (they do).
they come up with THREE (3) objectives, restoring capital, restoring bottom bar and restoring the BATTLE that is the z-fighting.
we struggle a little bit on the bottom bar as we fail to nail down the positions and we find a bug in the nine-slice mechanisms but we blaze through the rest of it, leaving another hour to fill yet again. prod is absolutely not playing tetris again, so we raid the shrimp lands.
prod is proper dark mode today as we prepare the no signal zone.
prod talks about how they went to touch grass with the girls and now they have no time to get the gizmo working in half a week (and therefore no emotes :( ) in like 40 minutes lol.
we play the point and click narrative type game by exo guy, and gives it like a playtesting thing.
we 100% the demo and send the reviews over. however during the tail end the ram situation exceeds the given quota and the stream lags into the hell zone, making the game unseeable AND the stream a minute into the future. this issue persists as prod from this point forward acknowledges the chat a minute late constant.
we then had some time over so we go and play the yiff video game (rogue style). this is the game they working on on stream as well. we play until floor 4 ish and then prod figures out the game is 13 whole floors long. this will be a staple of the FREAKING monday sesh.
prod briefly considers raiding a new guy and then feels raiding not exo applying my own god damn feedback feels improper.
prod tries to make model 2 and discovers huge flaw and fails and resorts to wizard hat wand
window count return
prod is extra gay today (also halo)
emote mode real!!! also everything crashes bc of it
we make twitch 3 (half of it)
weekly is finally fixed
we also play more of yiff game, pink guy dies (lol), stop at floor 6
i forgot i raided jd before fuck, i mean it was either that or mord so
prod is cowboy + bunny
prod goes from boneless to bone in over the course of the stream
we make dex real
advance to floor 7 of yiffgame
raid 37
prod is a cube??
prod talks about the art of "epee"
we take a look at blenderscript (bpy) and actually make it better (lock in)
we listen to 100 bottle
we get there in the end and play 2 matches of qp2
raid kuju
todays accessory is that my arms are broken
we talk about matrix multiplication
zulleyy3 collab (sudden) we test twitch feature
we improve various corners of gizmo
we ascend 1 level of yiff game
raid person
big pebbler
prod reveals the big list:
- chatter stats
- icon & cursors
- achievements
- economy
- reactions
- fugi
- parse audio (whisper style)
- hook up midi
- more physics
- baseline for minigames
list another
usually the space is going to be reserved for star tellers
BEFORE we go there
we "have" to finish some things
- urobot
- classic graph problem
- python
- fetch data from wiki auto
- config game, start, restriction
- np whatever
- wont take too long (i think)
- looksy 3
- editor ui
- add symbols
- make puzzle
- audiovisual content
- the chambers video
- season 1 ??? highlights
we explode chatters real now
tetris (we lose a lot :c)
raid wow thats wild this guy also has a zed in they name like i do
EXTRA SESSION: prod then goes on vc and attempts to gain tetris rating back, we have like a 10 guy vc where they get SS back and play rd for a bit and just like actually do another hour of streaming kind of geiserstyle
the hatgay consumes us and we are Void Fiend
we talk about jake a lot actually but actually none of them is jake related hes a jumping off point for discussion
we showcase the tetris mode windows where drawwindow is transparent
we realize emojis are somehow sorted in some way rn
we discuss the chambers video and record new voicelines
we use the remaining time to workshop new variant ideas for prod clone zone
raid wow theres another yellow creature in this zone?? nowaying
piercing ??
todays docket is a choose your own adventure style (we got 7/10 points)
we talk about various gaming related topics
we then make icon change system on screen (!changeicon)
prod is pots and pans rn (also communism (is this true or rubbish?))
we play infinite craft for too long we just brought it up for an analogy
i talk about my 3 hour walk half stranded and like needing to go out of korea get a job lol fuck or sotn
we do polls and predictions today !! 100% complete feature mirroring with affiliates now
user noneuclidean than finds the channel and posts me on #casual causing the reverse wpost to happen, many mares were furrowed
we complete the backend leaving the screenzone/gizmozone to be done, we evaporate onto happy birthday must
prod is happy cirno day
SPECIAL SESSION: prod fixes their ror2 mods in celebration(???) of dlc2
we fix like all except 8 mods, then ballscord ATTACK then modcord ATTACK
ballcrew was rowdier than witcord and did caused plenty of duress, but we pushed through
we liquidate onto finally i get to raid this guy
prod is """fan"""
prod talks about the overabundance of things to do that goes with the ascension and how they ended up with this accessory
we also talk about the whole t00 situation
after the ball ATTACK we finally make the economy real by making window/song/etc cost real money (not much tho)
we also do the yiffgame (floor 8)
prod is spaceguy style, kind of jamsvirtual coded ngl
the rorsesh continues and we get an msm attack at the first minute, the pricing system did its wonders and stopped it before real start
we debug clonkspotting and also literally play freecell on stream
we fix downpour hypercrit and goose and look into the wwise void
i think we raided uwo and then got double raided?? lmk if this true
prod is GHOULISH ?? the dead speaks today
we talk about the continuation of the fan incident and how i have literally died physically from taking on too many things (they will continue to do this)
after the issue last stream we look into the clonkspotting situation realstyle
turns out it really was the clash between the userscript and various twitch extensions, and we did fix it for ffz, 7tv and btv (7tv was hell)
we also fix the twitch extension thing but twitch would later break this again (how gauche...)
prod is ""an elite"" ??? idk prod was really out of accessory ideas during this time
we talk about the newly begun "core keep mode" that appeared on the cyberspace
today is rorstyle as before and we actually get this thing done by updating csf, rar and nemtides
we also do bonus ?! and bring back the entire spikestrip and nemstrip, how cool
this is conclusion of rorstyle and we talk about future plans of the core keeper octobers
twitch decide to break and none of the raid buttons worked so my yapping outro bit got ruined :(
we did manual raid into lamb sauce
prod is a wacky recolor of the spaceguy style
they talk about the want to have a reminder style gizmo and talk about the "little guy archetypical metagame"
they decide to do various small fixes style today and fixes vs16 error and mention emote issue
and then witcord user machka6 finds a critical flaw where autoclicker in 1ms range would actively give you weekly money instant, leading to accumulation of 10 million immaculate units
entire icon shop is bought and then the inv got reset, finally unlocking the first quest icon of defrag (unlock condition being "break the gizmo")
i think we raided digbycat but they were gone gone so we went to digi zone ??
prod is tiara style today
prod talks about the situation with the sleep schedule and how fixing it lead to Bad Things actually
they also talk about the Why issue incident and how they peaked as a developer
we find another vulnerability in that emotes are drawn one by one which leads to joelspam on something like a windowzone being insanely bad for gizmo (including a ws crash)
raid yeah
prod MISSES thursday stream due to literal internet outage (lol)
instead prod does a makeup stream on friday 1 HOUR before the comptuerzone
prod is false son risk of rain (true daughter) (only real transenjoyers gets this one)
insane 30 minute speed docket happens in a MALE x (the everything app) post style
since they were boneless and did not do productive last stream (just yapped) prod vows to do productive in this 1 hour stream, start rushing for a "fan" implementation
in the end they kind of get it working, giving viewers ability to add momentum to little guys
actually the speed session is a RUSE to raid into MALE, finally completing the trifecta of raids !!! evil laugh proon proon proo
prod is thirdeye style with the previously mentioned eye closer thing
prod talks about the second iteration of the coreZONE and related parkour movie things
then we discuss the sleep zone situation and how breaking down days into parts can insanely improve my current situation
we also talk about the FUTURE of the zone, where october we videozone, then we starteller, then we become "real" on escaping korea
then we kind of have a real talk about escaping korea and how we could achieve that and how the stream will be affected (in short "idk")
we fix the bugs that was introduced by the hasty development of fans last time and create anti-fans to counterbalance
prod is so boneless today lmao sister starts blanking out halfway through to the end and then literally breaks at the end
we mold into raid
prod is headphoned up actual thematic look this time you know they had prep time
we are introduced to the PAPER docket where things are written in actual paper style
we talk about how paper feels good and drawing random shapes feels good and unplugging from web feels good
we also talk about how i briefly tried to do more corekeeper stuff then realized that i dont actually have the time lol i should make starteller real
we are also teased with new emotezone in the works
there was also talks of substance painter in the docket and we find out that adobe has a steam page with just substance painter
for the programming bit of today we finally hook up the flzone to the gizmo making us able to control various audio effects with the gizmo, including pitch shift, bitcrunch and reverb
we also do yiffgame (level 9), and actually die everyone except the red guy who somehow manage to survive and advance to next stage, prod effectively calls run dead and decide to wait for number rebalance (effectively closing out a chapter)
prod is hourglass representing the impending time to come
we are finally introduced to the trailer for next session: a SPECIAL goal achieved type session where we watch "video mode" with guest
we talk about the END of corezone and the future of similar gaming zone areas
- clonkzone: gaming sunday will be continued by clonk and not me (this is the usual configuration)
- prodzone: next gaming will be minecraft but hosted on my community instead of his, also it will happen december+
we FINALLY figure out why the color was not being updated (due to twitch api being sensible) and rectify this
for the coding of today we decide to hold off on major gizmo expansion til the end of videomode and instead work on the portfolio page, adding all code related things
prod has a lot of portfolio things and its still not updated fully
we also discover that bigint has no spec max value and lag the machine
something about colin zone
prod is default but today the customization is on the MALE cam !! yes its the male hwo surprising
we talk "tuah"
prod is suddenly "exposed" as the "chambers video" turn out to be complete fabrication until last week which the entire 16 out of 25 minute video is made in a single day (today)
we watch that and then the real actual project which being the "bitcoin video" which is probably up on clonk's channel soon
we also talk about like the game dev zone and how yapping is meta on twitch i think
mo momo momo momomo momo
prod is a star teller guy today NEW MODEL alert
today we "revival of the woolly mammoth" and debug star teller
more specifically we fix the physics issue with steep slopes (kind of) and add jelly tile, also showcase the game
we also do camera stuff and make the player2 wander range
overall like, really productive day not much banter (this will be contrasted with next week's monday)
r a id
prod is GOOGLE SHEET docket today, slightly bone deficient
we talk about the Energy Reading (that has gone awry since the ascension and videomode), the end of Sleep Schedule Era, and talk about Copying Others for Practice and Idol Dream (stream ini manami For Real for real)
we get side tracked into various audio talks before we address the crux of the issue: the Weight of the "Becoming Real" - hoping november will free me somewhat
we also address the new development in Table Tech - the Illegal Mod (hot glue) (it is still present)
on the actual programming side of things - we implement Custom Palette and Accessory - giving john chatters ability to customize them as they wish. this also gave prod an excuse to not make a new look today (lol)
raid ? stream outer wilds
this was supposed to be like an after dark thing but the contract was we stream so we were on live
prod signs up for a tetris event 2 hours before it starts bc they thought it was monday (L), and decides to "screen up" on the occasion
the screen havers easily defeated prod with windows style, and various lagspikes handled the rest
prod did get like 70th on realgame and 21st on the first postgame with minimal screen distraction in the end
we were going to raid the organizer but we couldnt raid due to affiliate zone, so we raided our friend on the other other
new command: !randomize, prod comes out randomized today available for everyone. for the most part prod stays a purple eye guy
continuation of "star teller" arc where we make the first level, except we talk a whole lot about the story of Game Maker
we go over the evolution of Game, the badness of GML, the Subscription Saga and the Opera GX Games Moment. we also talk briefly about Open GMK and World Faller (the final frontier).
then we suddenly get into Lost Media Recovery as we found out that the First Document png was lost and the only remnant was an extremely low res google doc thumbnail, and we start AI upscaling it except the AI is us
we eventually find the original image on a dm on an old alt of discord and it is on the help channel now
we also do the 1-1 btw but yeah our stream really isnt good for productive game dev lmao
prod is :tricat: ??? the ear increases
today's docket is in Witscord OWOT, we look at Big Witness and search for Jerma
we talk about the October Sprint and how we are going to go Game Style Hard
we also look at various improvements including the new Achievement page - finally there are more uncommon emotes attainable
the time is finally NOW to tackle the Big Goal A1 - the beginning of the Guy Saga, where we make the guys actually move and act on their own
we create various statistics and tied them to chatter behaviour. each statistics are between 0%(exclusive) and 100%(inclusive).
Dexterity: How often does the guy move, determined by percentage of time chatting vs lurking
Jokerness: Variance of the delay between movements, determined by amount of ":3" in chat messages
Agility: How far do does the guy move per 1 movement, determined by average length of chat messages
Jumpness: How often does the guy chooses to jump instead of move, determined by amount of punctuations in chat messages
Jump Height: The height of jump per 1 jump, determined by amount of repeated letter in messages
Zebraness: Variance of jump height per jump, determined by how biblical the message is
Camelness: How "diagonal" each jump is, determined by amount of special characters in messages
Wisdom: How often does your guy move towards an object, determined by amount of vowels in messages
Aggression: How often does the guy push blocks around when moving, determined by amount of capital letters in messages
Strength: How far does the guy push blocks, determined by amount of emotes in messages
Bisonness: How vertical is the blocks pushed, determined by amount of Joels in messages
Luck: Variance of strength per attack, determined by how often you do commands versus chatting
Appleness, Banananess and Orangeness: reserved for now
we also spent some time speedrunning the bible episode in an hour and discovered a critical javascript flaw leading to complete shutdowns.
we get the movement part without wisdom done and now the Guys move, opening a New Chapter in prod Zed pod broadcast
prod is microwave
we talk about the election?! and kind of related recent nyt strike situation
we also talk about the future of Craft and tease something Unexpected to come
todays doings are mixed, we improve clonkspotting, get info into the next generation of Urobot and make the guys better
two new Special Guys join the fray, being LCOLONQ's Green and bigbookofbug's big bug
despite our numerous goals we actually finish it in like 2 hours and decides to continue our Playing Friend's Videogame series by visiting asquared's emacs game
we interface with Default Keybinding Emacs (scary) and play the rule discovery thing (it was neat) and talk about potential improvement for post-jam versions
at the end we also get another Special Guy from YukieVT (large, long even)
we then see gpu FINALE
prod is Loomse Scroomse (finally it reveals itself)
we talk about the Two Days a Week Format and how the energy levels have changed
we also make !clone a thing so we can interface with prod clone at any time
today we cut the crap and go straight into our objective of making Projectile Warfare - finally using the rest of our stats
we also add !stat command to see stats, add it to the screen, and get average in each stat so you can see true deviations
overall a very solid episode, very productive stream this one
ish ish
prod is charger blocks?? the "ear plugs" are new accessory
the blocks werent visible because the outlines werent showing so we quickly fix this up in blender before real stream begin
after prod sets up a Blue Sky account they feel a need to make a "type !post on discord and it posts to every social media" command, so we are dealing with Four Oauths at once
before that prod laments the fact that some apis (like itch or kofi) has api but not api for posting blogs and only concerned with sales and donations
Stage 1: blue sky goes extremely well since it wasnt even an oauth we just put in id and password and it worked
Stage 2: mastodon worked so much better than expected since you were able to generate oauth keys on site and it doesnt expire, leading to easy access and no code flow necessary
Stage 3: tumblr gave us a little trouble as we actually had to do oauth stuff but in the end we got it, it was marginally harder than twitch zone due to lack of validate token endpoint
Stage 4: twitter was actual hell we kind of mind broke at the end idk what happened in this segment ngl but we kind of got it to work
the systems arent usable yet bc we have to hook it up to main zone and all this but the hard part is done, this will be used in a couple weeks
prod is purple umbrella real style today
today prod straight up copies the MALE's "twitch front page" title to do a "hand cam" analysis
prod talks about progress in the gameZONE and ufo 50 and talks about the need to have hand move
we then discuss the sheer pain making a whole inverse kinematics thing from NIH hell would take and decide to take a shortcut by canonically removing wrists from the creature
then this becomes a hardest session yet as we go for almost 6 hour in a pure programming focused no bs yap moment (insane)
at the end we are horrified to discover that our rotation system was fucked to begin with, making our life oh so miserable. prod vows to get that quaternion down at some point
we get raided like 3 times in the end so the end part gets elongated, prod uses time to talk about the new witcord activity that is occuring post-no nyt november
yeah remember the "new witcord activity" were making a autosolver for it today
prod is sprouted up yet extremely eepy as prod has not slept due to risk of rain complications
this was originally going to be a gamedev episode but the big eep blocked prods brain with so much fog that we had to pivot to something lighter, and this was good
woggle is a hybrid between the witness (2016) and boggle, where there are 4x4 grid with letters and you draw a line between those letters from the lower left corner to the upper right while forming regions that anagrams to a valid word
points were calculated by +number of letters points per valid region over 3 letters, and +1 bonus point for 6 or higher lettered region with a maximum of 18
we pregenerated the grid paths and downloaded a wordlist and sorted each word alphabetically beforehand, and then implemented a simple thing to check for each path for valid words
there became a sort of competition zone where multiple people decided to suddenly work on their own version of the woggle solver with asquared and xorxavier doing their own things
thus JOI (jerson of interest) was born. we also observe sus1d1p after were done
prod then encounteres a HORRIEble situation where all the people alive rn we have raided in the recent times and strictly them, making the selection incredibly difficult
we end up gathering immense amount of courage to raid a "stranger" ("gasp") MALE has recommended to us
prod is bandana today ready for battle because today is Obyn Greenfoot Wednesday (it is not wednesday) and we are here for strife
todays docket is INSANELY COOL custom gizmo zoomin evangelion style
we talk about "becoming real" getting actually real as we approach december style and maybe talk about scaling back on the streamzone as a result (+ gamedev)
we also talk about the pebbles for this week and the 2 (two) whole 2kki sessions ive been in
we also showcase the "1-1" of the gameZONE that im actually kind of happy with
in terms of the meat we finally make the little guys fight and put the rest of the stats to good use
we then discover a little tactic where we move away from enemy to regen when we're losing and chase enemy when we're winning via moveguy command
we then enable this further by adding !jump command
prod is pillowed up as we are MAKEUP stream 2 hours (shorter than usual) and also NOT monday ??? we are tuesday yes tuesday style
due to issues:tm: we have been unable to stream and therefore we decide to "take it easy" and boot up a little 2kki, our goal is to revisit the First Ever Session style and go to foliage estate
our good friends nichepenguin and control join again and also new friends michael noon and party cat lol
we get bike first and then SR shortcut, we then struggle hard style on the Chaser Area as we lose two of our bravest soldiers to the Women
we eventually get to foliage estate but suddenly LCOLONQ STREAM START and we have to rush like so hard
we ended up getting to satellite and call it there
raid michael officially but we also spiritually raided lcolonq and digi shell also making it a triple raid situation multiview style
prod is flower simple style, we are back on the normal schedule now
before the docket we were greeted by clips of the salad forrest zone during interview with the male where i was mentioned thanks to our good friend archible
todays docket is INSIDE risk of rain ??? game ??? its like a mod type situation and its docket
we then suddenly divulge into gcp lore and add Polish Temperature into our gcp calculation as well as venorrak's JCP (thank you krzysckh for Polish Temperature)
we also play the demo for crazykitty's new gambling game roguelike
we then also showcase the hacknet mod that im making and by proxy the game hacknet in general for the docket
and then we realize weve been yapping for like 2 and a half hours and we finally lock in, today were making flips and cameras real
prod suddenly loses ALL bone 3 hours in and barely manages to finish out the flips part as well as the camera part from earlier
raids bug
prod goes "live" on the discord again they were improving gizmo stuff and though why not do this live
we first fix various buge such as website time thing
then we go into portfolio zone and make the tags autogenerate as well as adding a featured tag and a enable/disable all button
while doing so we go into various tangents such as the viability of whisper mode, the origins of middle ear, stealing every vtuber's "the emote" and compiling them into one, and most importantly the fish drawer
we vow to create some kind of fish collection system where they are like an item for guy fights maybe?? well see
prod has an interesting hair pin today as we delve into pebbles immediately
we have transcended reflection squares as we have to go into whole time rectangles with hourly time allocations, they were extremely busy this entire week (and a few more after)
prod also showcases a bit of irl fit type scenario where they are kind of like same as the guy but brown hair and glasses
today we finish the social posting era as we implement image and video posting
as expected we spend 10 minutes on doing bluesky and mastodon and spend the other 4 hours doing tumblr and twitter which end up not working anyways because the oauth keeps resetting without a refresh token (bad websites ngl)
due to the variety of file types and the "ffprobe" zone we end up using a library (gasp !) and we end up making it work for all except twitter which we assume it works ??? we couldnt test bc rate limits
we expand our horizon of raid once again btw we have new set of ppl to raid now
prod has a kasa today and greets everyone kind of sleep
we extend the dockets from last and we talk about how i am literally shedding hair and falling everywhere and sleeping for 12 hours
we also talk about the appearance at jakezone and how another Graph was born after almost a year now
todays thing to do is a hacknet we talked about before except i finished the code part and were making a trailer video today (kdenlive stream ??)
and then we tried to render and everything exploded so we tried to close literally everything and barely got thigns working
prod literally ran out of ideas so we have hollowed out cubes
we had 4 hours of pure yapping no code no nothing
prod has discovered that a tetris rogue like actually exists and it is actually so over we are so "scooped" woe is me
and then we talk about vtubers and parasocial things happening (!girlfriend stream soon ??)
we also generally share the "wriggling around" type style that we are doing now watching youtube videos and stuff
finally we talked about plans for Season 1 Finale and what will happen after this (no hiatus, still 2 day per week, will be more relaxed type streams, ova period)
prod is blue party hat runescape for 3 trillion rs3 gold (about 0.02 cents)
we finally make fighting real by adding five things:
whenever a guy is victorious, a guy now gains "stat point" one can use with "level up" to "gain temporary stats" in "the gizmo"
2v1 (overpowered) now requires "coordination"
"john lennon" is now only possible by the currently winning party
one can engage in "ranged combat" by throwing objects such as windows or chat messages
"raid bosses" are now introduced with a respective achievement
we also visit "mickynoon debut" (huge) and talk about how freaking cool mickynoon stream is
we then briefly go over TheFuture plans and reveals that i havent actually made a thing for finale so we are going to make it live
we ended up creating a button that 10 people have to log into screen and press at the same time for the finale to activate
it took a few minutes but we got there and the video was played and season 1 has ended
first EVER episode with NO accessory whatsoever?! today is the afterHISTORY: BEYOND CANON now
we get into a large number of !fight immediately
the audio is greatly improved now ?! no more noise style but we tried our best to also capture the keyboard type noises and we demonstrate while also doing new seasonal tetr gamemode
we also talk about the ANSWER to the question from !girlfriend and the upcoming jakezone
we then do a lot of various screen deals, fixing palette reset, getting various parts of lore and achievements up to date, and fixing raid bosses
because we debugged raid bosses today 3 whole people gained the pillar when normally its 1 per stream
we also see the appearance of 3 new custom Guys in the area
there was a digi raid btw that was cool we were on the zone of all progenitor in 1 stream
prod has an accessory today: and its a whole new guy - the second player of the videogame
we do a discord catch up session where we read past chat messages for a whole hour trying to respond to things in pursuit of justice or somethbing
we then do the bazingle bit again
we also talk about teeth teeth is cool
and then we discover that raid boss is broken ????? so we do a lot of raid boss fixing instead of making games btw
eventually we do indeed make timer and badge savestate for Free Mode purposes
there was a sphaero raid and it was kind of too insane so we do a little more gamething and then we kind of evacuate lol
we participate in jake's charity FOR THE KIDS !!!!!!!! gamers outreach jolly jamboree thing minecraft server badcop special style
there was a ton of guys and we had a whole plan of world dominations and stuff so we started an hour early for War Room session where we talk about getting villagers in an hour and making 15 farms and getting infinite end crystals
yeah turns out signature Jake Scuff happens and we are dropped in the most barren minecraft world known to man where getting a single apple is impossible and brown mushroom is a rare commodity
we quickly mine full diamond in an hour and then emergency evacuate onto echorin 2kki tour epic style (second video, blog entry)
we strike a deal with badcop (explorer of dangerous fields) for 2 cured villagers in the wild, explore the bastion with dii, and actually get close to making the villager breeder work actual except SERVER DRAMA ?? happens and we were set back and our dreams were seemingly crushed
however while mining for more diamonds we stumble upon a secret mineshaft and another chance in forms of dungeon chest is handed to our souls
to prevent future disasters we move our base to SKYFORT LCOLONQ and then make farms in preparations determined to at least get the villager thing working until the server closes
eventually the governing party (jake and badcop mostly) realizes how horrible the seed is and scuff their way into expanded borders, actually including villagers and strongholds this time and also making our shit kind of obsolete now
regardless, we manage to stay completely within the original border and get the thing finally working (we get 2 villagers at the end of stream)
we then do dragon fight and other outro related stuff (we were left behind in the outro so we arent in the final picture)
we are "back so soon" as we delve into the 60 topics that occured in this short span of history, we talk about minecraft, yume nikki and various other situations that occured in the last 4 days, also huge meisaka raid
during minecraft talk the theory behind "prod craft" has been expanded, where it would be a "all cheats allowed" kind of server where people "build robots" and "program for fun" - but also it has "ic2" and its "somewhere between alpha 1.0 and release 1.7.2 lol"
we also talk about "meteor", and get to know one of the new Off-Screen guy appearance by maradyne. all that after we finally start getting into the Real Deal of "the incident"
in the pre-stream time, ctrl_o's entire user data blew up and disappeared into thin air - leaving us with "absolutely nothing", to combat this we devised a plan to "not do this": every end of stream now user data is backed up to some "cloud" where it is secure, and to aid this we added a !takeout command that allows you to download your own data (gdpr compliant??)
and then asquared reads prod's data and uses the screen vulnerability of Using ID As Token to gain access to the entire system (and the entire pc by extension) and starts messing with things, spawning windows and shouting out various people
we make logging better and then also vows to install some security measures for next time (we do)
new clips feature
logs and security improvement (removed asquared)
plans for "A2": physical guybox that can connect to gizmo and fight remote?? (we solved shipping yay)
we are so swamped for this entire month (and NO GAME this year?? despair despair despair despair despair)
we make guy stats :3 (wins, losses, shulker boxes opened)
new years incoming ! this is last stream
we listen to 3 whole versions of the same song
we then talk about the island style (new human cosplay unlocked) & the "banter discussion" we had on lcolonq
during this we also discover that we are not really 10 viewer and it is in fact so over, vowing to delete channel permanently or sotn
we also make game :D cutscene system is real in eller
first off, a list of shoutouts (in order):
extra EXTRA shoutouts for the vod comment (not in order):
prod is like 20 minutes late (ICANT) because they were rendering the last 5 guys' twitch vod on vpn and obs lol
in the time between we have a "pre-startingsoon" where we pretend music is playing and guys are fighting and we ask people how theyve been
prod NEW WIRES begin where we go and review people
the format is in the form of "broken clips fetcher" where we see prerendered clip of 1 guy and then talk 1 docket entry so on so FORTH
there is like a billion tangents the following is a very very brief shortening of what happened:
YukieVT: yukie hardware success! => everyone turned on new year stream its wild
Zulleyy3: zulleyy postcard! wow we got called out SO BAD for "i hope in 2025 you can get successful game finished game" LOL its so over
rotsuki: wow real zoomer guys look => yume update: we have new yume themed emote also yay following the trend
LCOLONQ: !resolution appraisal! tomorrow !! lets do ours first: make music (v) escape korea (?: everything but visa done) make game (x (plays zulleyy clip again))
MODCLONK: im a little guy~~ and i like ~~ ice cream ~~~~~
yellowberryhn: another me imitation my friend clip was born today => we will go to offkai !! yay
SaladForrest: salad is just me but fully furry this is dog vs cat classic dichotomy same but different style => simpleflips recognizes nl meteor???? => nl horsle??? every bit is collapsing into one
Hexadigital: hex stream was so messed up on new year => my tetris is so messed up on new year
LittleWitchAuz: sister wrote 1 line of code and then said augh and then closed code and opened warframe SO ME RYAN GOSTLING MOMENT => vedal hypetrain lv 111 what => NOTEPAD PSUDE SEGMENT 1: people throw money not bc number go up but bc they want to be part of the group that made number go up (community and belonging) => use that money to buy ur friend (or mother) lunch instead way better spend imo
BrighterMalphon: 9 MINUTE CLIP (just watch the video its Goated) => NOTEPAD PSUDE SEGMENT 2: im gray but people dont rly fw dating friends + its kinda funny that when you need partner you should have 1 but when you can have 1 you dont need it anymore + i still want wife tho im so normal
CipherLunis: hii little fish BECOME MY WATER => we found LAYER -1 to JA WITNESS VIDEO and its THERM DANGANRONPA
exodrifter_: THE BUCKET ACHIEVED => check out this Noneucliden 2025 puzzlehunt this is Cool
NovaLiminal: collab gamejam! => did you know theres a Danktown game??? its cool you might want to check this out (we then cheat on it)
Meisaka: meisaka's world exploded (condolences) => this entire stream was this year can you believe it wtf (lore speedrun watchalong)
berylberu: scuff webfishing => 2.0 DEBUT HOLY SHIT => i would never want to go back 10 year or any year ive grown so much n became a functioning human by being streamer (wild)
yiffweed: 2025 sucks lets go to Gleba => thank you everyone (general sap (super auto pets))
Colinahscopy_: i cant find clip but i got so much gifteds now i have like 3 tabs of custom emotes its ??? => YEARIN PREVIEW: realstyle (see below)
Setolyx: seto endingsoon sequence is so cool => YEARIN PREVIEW: gamestyle (see below)
CR4ZYK1TTY: CK BIG DEBUT!!!! holy cow 3d joel RETURN ???? => YEARIN PREVIEW: gizmoic (see below)
imgeiser: cant believe geiser is dead => im working on something for mickynoon ooohhh its a music thing => genre change: jungle -> 90s scifi anime -> chaos -> jrpg field theme -> prelude -> tetris effect (this is since then released, see video)
het_tanis: no vod bc sub only => this is where the docket was going to be but we took too long lol extra shoutouts !! cya
we also did huge YEARIN PREVIEW for whats to come for 2025 (HOPEFULLY !!!!! ahh)
format: MONTH/CATEGORY, category: Game / Youtube / Stream / IRL
JAN/G: finalize all plans
JAN/Y: chambers video
JAN/I: check out how to get visa
FEB/G: finish everything but music
MAR/G: publish game
MAR/S: post-startellers semihiatus (we will stream less often)
split C# engine into modules (core, ws, model, physics...)
rewrite the engine (not redesign: just refactor it a bunch)
we'll do "inverse kinematics" live (math)
we'll do "linear algebra" live (math)
APR/I: be 100% ready to leave korea
MAY/Y: startellers video
MAY/S: "craft" begin (see "prod craft" on S1.5E3)
MAY/S: "merch" begin (see A2 on S1.5E4)
JUN/S: offkai "remotestream"
JUL/S: finish "craft"
AUG/S: finish "merch" & initial sale
AUG/S: begin "yellow language project" (see A3 on S0E6 lore) & "gizmo minigame" (guy project(A1) LEVEL 2: you may get an "inventory"???) development
SEP/I: fly away (leave korea REAL)
NOV/I: settle in for EVERYTHING
this stream was wild we talked nonstop for 4 hours so many people came to see n all thank you everyone i will go insane this year as well
prod stream real BEGIN: yeah !!! orb orb orb orb orb
we continue the "clips" gimmick in a new direction as we EXPOSE people TEA spill DRAMA twitter CONFLICT on others
rotsuki "fall guy" incident
brightermalphon "fraudulent pregnancy" incident
saladforrest "is korean" incident
we also discuss the upcoming 2kki zone & the "e era" im having (its The Cycle idk), followed by talks of the calculations for me and john hormones
today we made the lobby system for startellers its kind of like kirby doors real but you also see stats like lockpick
we finish in 3 hours so we decide to play some noita and then METEOR HAPPENS on the stream and everything freezes and we quickly abandon ship onto p pt the third channel
how are germans so good at english
miku movie soon !!
we will be on lala channel for 12 hours (announcement)
we talk about 3 consecutive "2kki journey" w streamers and talk about how im popular (fraction of popularity of jakecreatesstuff)
since this point 2kki is constantly on (xor and nichepenguin gets many screentime in 2kki)
we talk about how my allocation of time has changed and now i hang out in twitch due to lack of project abundance
we also talk about the leetcode sammi idea but we discover sammi is too good and instead vows to make calculator in opus magnum someday
we also showcase justkirb hardrop and create "diagram"
a question of "follower" comes up, we determine that follower count actually has nothing to do w popularity or viewercount and is just indication of age + "viral moment"
ENERGY READING: we discuss our fall from grace as ascension was inturrupted by a combination of Post-Project Emptiness, Gastrointestinal Attack and "e era" (moodswings) - and how i have managed to resolve all by "going outside" and "touching grass" but in process i got "hit by a bike" and now im on "plaster" lmao (i feel still so good going outside op) (we also play tetris with damaged arm)
in terms of todays meat courtesy of witscord user NormalExisting we figure out we may be doing fucked things w raylib and harassing our gpu, turns out it was indeed correct
we actually implement "max fps limit" and "vsync" on our engine to resolve this issue and gpu usage goes down from 80% to 3% (lol)
we continue noita and explore a good bit of fungal, no digspell yet tho
prod ACTUALLY HAS ACCESSORY NEW: juicebox from digishell streams
we talk about manaka tower for a moment before following up on the followerbit from last time: why does twitch care for followers? we determine there may be some emotional component of "nebulous growth" since people are unlikely to unfollow and follow count is very unlikely to go down
we showcase gizmo from venorrak, mickynoon and kinskyunplugged and confirm resolution is being done (2 checked now)
we were indeed at lala anniversary as said in previous lore, i was so nervous lol bc ppl were riffing and loudness and my tism was saying no but i have Social Slayed and we kind of went on hard style for 16 hours (and then slept and went immediately back live for 20 hour total)
we take the homestuck classpect test (we become Heir/Page of Light) and played karkalicious and shadow recites the bible (its complicated)
for todays meat we do the great stickboy poll of 2025 (rotsuki wins) and laments how poll is not as interactive, and we vow to port this to screen
things take a turn for the worse as we start adding more and more videos such as Keys Jangling, Samsung Notification, rotsuki Creepypasta Land, FNAF Mimic Song, Entire Discography of Annoying Orange, Audiojungle, Lofi Girl, Caramelldansen and Metal Pipe 10 Hours. we also tune up every audio fx and go crazystyle. programming under extreme duress. we cannot escape until we finish our goal.
we eventually does (productivity was harmed greatly) and we had some time left so we went on noita, we tried the connoisseur orb and died immediately bc we teleported wrong LOL
we still had 30 minutes left tho and this was a first time in ever so we went into this mythical "post-gaming" world where i just went on vc and asquared made irc on stream while lcolonq, nulligor and i talked
we talk about "x posting", "oauth protocol" and "chinese tiktok", get raided by abby and talk about the origins of startellers (the kr newgrounds stuff) again
saladforrest joins the chat and i notice forrest is literally streaming and is watching us on stream so we watch them in return and immense feedback loop happened and we raided onto the twiggest stickboy of 2025 (proven by poll)
prod actually exports emotes in real time while stalling for yap (they are becoming real streamer (scary))
we deliver good news of "big ram"
we discuss the features of being rectangular (i am rectangular) and how this has been foretold in the lands of mexico (korea) to begin with
speaking of having no hole we also discuss forrest meltdown stream & the furry hole question
speaking of meltdown we discuss energy reading and how i got 3 "comms" and one of them may "delay the resolution" due to its size but i want it bc its genuinely probably helpful for my future
speaking of energy reading i talk about caffeine/sugar induced e era return briefstyle and dealing with this via gender victory
speaking of gender victory i showcase the 20 song playlist i make every year and how it destroyed my voice forever
speaking of 20 song we also showcase the new playlist of opening songs you can access on the vod channel
speaking of showcase the new vod channel we introduce 6 new emotes for usage
today we are game style, we make pause menu and volume sliders
manaka noita session was supposed to be yesterday but it was delayed due to sickness, and now we are at an impass and we resolve this by literally having her on the corner of our dev session for one and a half hours lol
people discover technology of "farming jake for infinite level" and gain a large quantity of hp and attacks
we end 30 minute before we supposed to and since we played noita before we just call it early & go watch her for real this time
this broadcast is first of the three "we go insane on 2kki entire week" series where we collab with different people and do various things in 2kki
in this installment we bring malphon and lala channel in their first* time 2kkiing (*malphon has done 2kki once before with kogorin but has not done much)
we get some effects, go to left path, Critter, Night Train to Rainy Apartment, and then also visit Star Building.
during the zone we talk about ... rotating echidna genitals ... and other equally Interesting stuff
this zone was very much not par for course with our usual livestream due to the guests involved and them being put in "Social Slay" situation but we have talked our way through and got to share a lot of things
i would say go check it out if you're not repulsed by all the sex jokes but the Vod is AGE RESTRICTED . yeah.
we did a collective raid on sakumintsu channel who were literally reading an 18+ yaoi fic (real) on stream so like yeah
this broadcast is second of the three episode series, where we do the "preparations" for "shrimp push" in digizone (and more). we have done prep on digizone yesterday but this is second prep.
we gathered effects, money, and deposited the money to be prepared.
while people were clicking 1.3 hours of donation box, we also filled in some captions in YNO diary entries hosted in pubnix. we are like a year behind the diary isnt even updated to when i first met digi or clonk and thats like more than a year back now
DURING the stream, tyumici debut has occured and we join in to say hi and all this
we made the overlay green and did the delay bit also it was kind of a weird zone
overall we got like 2 more people ready for "shrimp push", raid i mean we gotta raid our Man
this broadcast was supposed to not exist in fact, and we were just going to do an after dark discord sesh
but in the last moment prod decides to push that live button and a barely boned prod appears to do ... programming ???
this is the final episode of 2kki push where digi, uro, wolfborgg and others push for the mythical shrimpzone.
while this was going on, i did not in fact push for shrimp, but rather opened up local 2kki instance and CHEAT ENGINE to confirm that what we are doing is in fact correct and is not bugged/plausible.
we looked into various assembly zones and opened like 50 new windows that slowly covered up the screen including the two broadcasts that were doing the shrimp push. uro broadcast in specific was quite funny in that he was straight up watching wendigoon lethal company video and we watched it in the corner too by proxy
in the end we barely hold ourselves together and discover that indeed this is possible, and the corner peek strat is real, and the required number is V#2 == 65536.
the reason why this vod is not up is because due to the unique stream setup of 50 windows and tight schedule we had to improvise and add a bunch of window captures on OBS which subsequently leaked our entire shit (my steam profile and whatnot) and this happened enough times PLUS multiple corruption from "out of disk space" where editing it out became kind of weird, so it is forever sealed in my "unreleased vod folder" as a first ever entry
we declare that we have achieved our goal and actually go watch wendigoon together
after the frenzied week, prod has spent the entire wednesday sleeping and has just enough energy to eek out a thursday stream
we first view that kettlestew is creating a noita mod that adds !guys ??? so epic ...
today's theme is "the wires HEAL and return to normalcy", and as such the docket format RETURNS to google slides for a rare time (s0 throwback)
we discuss the 2kki happenings and ALSO the like 6 commissions i took bc i was dumb and clicked paypals big blue button and funneled all my money to an illiquid account (:3) and how it completely de-boned them
we also talk about "the change of prod" and how extroverted i have became out of sheer will
we talk about the new tetr update (reverse card) and how fucked it is
todays meat is GAME (again), we are making "lock and key" by making a "locked" element to a block so that any squareish elements can be opened by keys of corresponding color.
during development we finally get fed up with Hitbox Misalignment and fix hitbox detection once and forever - now the mouse is actually accurate forever regardless of lag
after the previous pod at thursday prod goes to forrest twitchtv to chill out and hang out with friend. however something insane happens...
we were talking about sniffing out bald vibes from names and how prod can be bald (during replay we do see a little bald prod and its kind of Bad)
it starts with asquared out of complete randomness talking about "lala is a bald name", and prod happened to be multidexing and things begins to spiral
"the sources" brings up the foot emote situation, in which she confirms that there is not 3 but 4 foot emotes on the game available. forrest is extremely confused
soon lala hops on forrest stream and puts it on stream - establishing The Link that starts it all
conversation ensues *through* the stream delay as they ask questions and answer 5 seconds apart from each other, which goes like, "do you have bald?" "oh shit bald!" "what is this feet business?" "i can show you feet"
they then go into discussions about bald people and strength levels - and also "loam measurements"
this is also the time where forrest start money affirming - and this becomes a huge thing as double affirmations ensue
they DO get stepped on which is memorialized forever in the forrestcord (eric is very happy and grateful for this)
and then kinsky goes live for development - in which they are roped in immediately and now the back and forth becomes THE TRIANGLE
kinsky plays mostly the sanemen in this group as they have 0 idea whats going on and gets affected by The Voices
and then bigbookofbug goes live ???? we rope her in too ?? the loop becomes forrest > lala > kinsky > bbob > forrest and the full loop is now here
various commotion in regards to elder scrolls and Soup has been exchanged (is pasta better than soup ??)
the bit reaches ultimate climax as METEOR HAPPENS in bbob stream and the soundwaves propagate through the entire loop shocking everyone to the CORE (making plants and shit)
we also relay the basecamp (the pod !discord) reaction as this unfolds and its kind of insane, 4 way money affirmation happens
eventually the loop begins to slow down as people start putting more and more overlay elements that block the screen making passthrough harder and harder - there was an attempt to rope snooz into the group but this has largely gone fruitless
we had some chats and everyone involved seemed to enjoy it so this was kind of a huge w on the pod zones, we then hanged out in basecamp planning our next "tree stream" (4x up root)
outside of the loop discussion, we go on "9$ ramen" tangent which is like crazy how do us people live (it is less than 3$ in kr) and how top ramen chicken sucks
we also finally close out the soup and pasta debate as discussion was borderline impossible by the time it was brought up
we also talk about "greencircle" and how people were scared of joining it due to "vtubers suck" "(at reaching out to ppl)" and then tomaterr calls us out for making up groups of people for content and prod goes through a lifechanging introspection mid stream going dormant
finally there was another idea that is similar to tree stream where we "swap gizmo" with each other - having someone else run the !screen for a day and whatnot, if this catches on we make a giant chain that goes all the way to jblow or smth
prod leaves with the ominous message: "LUNAR NEW YEAR TOMORROW" - little do they know this will be the last time they will be seen boneful in januaRy....
raid holy shit walfas ??? (we get double raided (classic))
today starts with RANDOM ISSUE as discord loads default theme - turns out prod.kr did not reboot correctly LOL
today is "fast docket" because we declare dockets has been getting "too long"
we briefly mull over the tomaterr incident before talking about "three" that has happened - LCOLONQ front page anniversary etc etc special (that is surprisingly NORMAL ???)
we then talk about the real issue of the problem - the ultimate trans-bone issues of LUNAR NEW YEAR and what having 6 different hardships thrust upon me does (i throw up and get extremely ill and powerless also ruin all my routine)
in the meatzone is GAME saga once again, gotta do it once per week at least where we this time make "custom keybinds" real and refactor a couple different spots
prod is so boneless here LOL personally im skipping this vod its fine
raid finisfine (cool guy)
to repent for previous episode prod goes ULTIMATE LCOK IN stage where we discuss: whois.mom ????
but unfortunately none of the people who we are talking about are here to listen as JANUARY LIFE strikes all of us like METEOR - malphon has confirmed to have gone vodzone for this
but before then we discover the jam games of vesdev and badcops game jam game that is very cool
todays docket: WHO IS BRIGHTERMALPHON: who is he?
we were on twitch tv a lot this week and also on vc a lot so we talk about those mostly
before an entry even begin we establish two core pillars of twitch: [femboy] and [mommy] thanks to "dank.town"
entry 1: who is NORTHERNLION: what is "man rizz"?? this question was brought up and never resolved, i think the closest solution we got to is "big guy, protective, traditional gender appeal is kind of toxic" and "prod is too gray and lesbian to understand this" - but still crowns John YIIK the title of ultimate man rizzler
but this veers off into a zone thanks to a comment made 3 hours before stream in the lalazone: what is "sexy" anyways ??????? ?????? we decide that sexy is "engenders a need to do EXPERIMENTS on them" - and declares kinsky the rizzmaster
we also look into the related zone of "cuteness" - and the Bro do you Watch FWMC style issue?? where women r infantalized and in vtuber space way moreso n its kind of weird
for the last of this weird side tangent zone we look into the history of Mushroom Girl Cavern and how i realized im just repulsed by Straight Flirting on vtuberzones (oops)
who is WORM: we talk about the recent development in the bbob WORMZONE ... worm is NOT bug ?! we talk about the survey (thank you bugvt), the MYSTERIOUS RIDDLES , and his(malphon) DECLARATION FOR WORM (damnation)
who is TRENT TIMOTHY: we also talk about the nightmare state that i am in occasionally and how it is quite odd that i dream of weirdly naturalistic and depressing bc capitalism scenarios and then we talk about maplestory private servers
finally we go into ENERGY READING: the energies are quite odd as prod talks about how many fucking shit happened in january (a lot ) and how ive just became normal again in sacrifice of jake's event (i am deeply sorry jake) and big sleeps
for todays meat we are making MOVING BLOCKS real - this is quite a daunting task as many moving parts exists for this. thankfully they have prepared ALL DESIGN and all they have to do is implement....
quite predictably we go over the designated 4 hours and then everything start to detiriorate ?!! we run out of disk space like 3 times, prod gets significantly eepy, windows keeps breaking down, but we trudge through the dampness and get the basic functionality there (and also refactor the whole optimization system by necessity) in the 6:30 mark (i think this is the record aside from "craft" ?!)
we vow to return to catch the stragglers and raid onto kanman zones
prod is actually productive for once and did a few things pre stream, notably volume is now category controllable
but then their emotions got fucked and warns a drastically weird stream (it was)
todays docket is a continuation of the previous bit, where we search stuff that isnt malphon. we start with a lil tetris improvement showcase
bug update: we watch a 9 minute vod of bbob book of bug zone where the TRUTH REVEAL: bbob turns out to be NO BUG and YES WORM ... we have censored the worm due to its upsetness
we then explore the discovery of new creature of the long yook, which confuses bugologizes due to its "cat worm" nature (incompatible qualities due to "cat is bug" and "worm is not bug")
maybe bug = worm ??? science is crumbling at the seams, comm1 also starts here
we then look at noita for a little bit where we craft some Wild Shit (play noita)
we are also on tsuki now (cool)
we finally get into the last and most important: the ROADMAP and how i had a crisis of faith
basically i get extreme motivated by recent increased activity / new friends / cool gizmo / vc with dank.town and decide to check out shindigs twitter
and i pump myself way up and start "over-networking" -- going hard on new ppl big zone and thinking of all gizmo expansion and even like partner pushing in season 4 for fun in a single day or smth idk
the crux of all this issue is that none of this is really what i want - "talking with friends" - during this brief moment i have taken this fact for granted and did not think of the implication of said expansion
they once again promises that none of this will rly happen & if it gets to a point where such goal is unattainable in zone they will explode (the channel)
for meat we do startellers continued - making curved tracks and blocks stick to tracks. they thought this would be a simple enough task that they can do a long docket, but a surprising enemy attacks: the BIG EEPY
for the next like 2 hours prod struggles to become even real as reality blurs and speeches become infrequent, i would suggest skipping this part if not for the fact that various HAPPENINGS happen
1 - caram3lnuke has finally achieved !big and bring !big upon the lands - obstructing EVERYTHING in its wake as god intended
2 - a perfect "guy stasis chamber" is introduced where the vortex consumes all
3 - xor !os moments happen again and mentions of "adjacent gizmos" were brung up, we may want to reveal everything in api(NOT ws) v soon
eventually we *kind of* make it work n declare victory, said system is cleaned up "offstream" before next streams beginnings
raid zhun gamer channel and literally immediately collapse (we then talk afterwards in manaka discord LOL)
raid outfrost
raid omo channel
raid jazz hol channel