TIP: Click the underlined text to /ponder/...

The Lore

Welcome to the pod, see the v page for the setting and introduction of myself but we do go live every Thursday 20:00 GMT and Monday 20:00 GMT.

we give way too much control to the viewers, talk in an unapologetically insane manner and barely program.

The Gizmo

one of the main feature of the broadcast is the high-effort homemade gizmo (the Monstrous Project) we have going on. the source of this project is available under github.

The Chat

since the beginning of Season 1, various bbcode-like syntax can be used to markup your text.

basic syntax is <item key=value key2=value2>text</>. notice the lack of label on the closing tag. tags that do not require a closing tag is labeled "self-closing". all key-values are optional and can be omitted. default value is shown for this documentation.

The Discord

Our discord has a single channel (kind of) and is fully connected with Twitch Chat. by logging in within discord, you can also execute twitch commands within the discord server.

Additionally, thanks to our progenitor, the same channel is also available under IRC through colonq.computer:26697 (over TLS) at #prodarea channel.

you can also use the stream commands FROM colonq.computer irc via !loginirc.

The Screen

The Screen is a replication of the broadcast where you can interact with the desktop. after logging in via typing the !login command on the twitch chat, you can utilize the screen in various ways.

point: make a pointer on screen. when used over prod, it does the twitch headpat thing.

click: click on the screen. this can be used to straighten or close windows, turn prod into 2d, or drop chat window into z-fighting hell.

fling: drag windows and prod around, throw chat messages and windows as well.

spawn window: spawns a window with title and content. you can also spawn a special window by typing Joel or using the !song command.

kill: removes all windows in this position.

Twitch Commands

All the screen commands can also be used in twitch chat directly without logging in (TBD). we also have some extra commands.

!removetriangle [number]: removes a random triangle from prod (3d).

!song: spawns a media window that plays song based on a superset of Bells of Bezelea that supports multiple instruments and some extra compression.

!furrowthemareofeidola: "chase idol dream", creates a window of your profile picture on stream.

!gravity [up/down/left/right]: throws all open windows and objects into one direction.

Shimeji Commands

this is your primary representation of yourself on screen, it inherits your chat behaviour as its AI, you can customize its stats and appearance, and it battles with other shimejis. currently not much can be done with it as we haven't properly started season 1.

!spawnshimeji [x] [y]: spawns your shimeji on screen.

!moveshimeji [x] [y]: sets the target destination your shimeji will attempt to move towards.

Information Commands

various information.

!inst: lists the instruments you can use for !song (see that for details).

!font: lists the fonts you can use in chat. see the above section for details.

!v, !screen, !lore: links you to various sections of this website.

!vod, !discord: links you to helpful external websites.

The actual glossary part of the website

due to prod's insane speeches, we get some words that might be wholly unintelligible for many. this is a compilation.

a lot of prod's speeches are from the progenitor zone, please refer to the appropriate section in the glossary there (also written by me).



Season 0

testing in prod

The One and Only Season we are in currently. we focus on getting the core part of the stream up (channel points, emotes, and basic redemptions). we stream once a day for 2 hours, no collabs, no wacky events. however this promise does not last long as we do stream more than once a day and more than 2 hours and collabs and wacky events basically every week lmao.

Testing in Prod 0

the incident

VOD unrecoverable - sorry!

everything breaks and prod doesnt have a model, they complain for a bit and log off lol

Testing in Prod 1

prod z fighting


actual debut stream, we introduce ourselves and discover the "z-fighting mode".

Testing in Prod 2

being The Wired is a gender


The Graph is discovered here, we also make !removetriangle.

Testing in Prod 3

all of the streams budget went to infra team


we yap for 4 hours, lay out our plans for future broadcasts and then play noita

Testing in Prod 4

i usually go in at an angle too


we make !song and somehow streams for 6 hours. we declare victory

Testing in Prod 5

so deep (briny)


fucked up prod fixes fucked up bug and finishes up the song mode

Testing in Prod 6

Things definitely need to be done : FUMO


official Scrum Meeting happens and we discuss the future

Testing in Prod 7

you gotta grind your throat


we upgrade the wasd into a fib, but also discovers the deeprooted jank of gizmo1

Testing in Prod 8

this ones bad


the rewrite of gizmo goes poorly as both the stream and prod go boneless

Testing in Prod 9

I did DDR on my TI-83 in high school


the screen returns in insane fashion and we yap a lot

Testing in Prod 10

no voice today?


prod has no mic?? sudden event! and we play some 2kki

Testing in Prod 11

there is an entire bible's worth of windows on the screen


we draw a default shimeji for the initiative and then chat spawns 13000 windows on the screen

Testing in Prod 12

lets get to negative viewers


the finale

Season 0.5

Hypertext Bestiary (kind of)

After 3~4 week break, prod reinvents the gizmo in the Raylib zone - in place of the monogame zone and goes live immediately after missing talking to the computer too much. A lot of jank and below minimum viable product issues emerges.

Hypertext Bestiary -1



the incident 2

Between the Wires -1

GGG (gravity is good)


Freaking monday?? also we do ascension but again

Hypertext Bestiary 0

I once slammed my balls on the ground, R.I.P Pangea


we get the rest of the thing done, ready for the actual beginning

Between the Wires 0

no signal is real???


we play freaking video games on stream

Season 1

Hypertext Bestiary (real)

we may actually begin

Hypertext Bestiary 1

windows came back


season begin

Between the Wires 1

I have killed everyone


twitch THREE

Hypertext Bestiary 2

hello geiser's mom



Between the Wires 2

<::O:1270664307981553674>twitch is done for


we finished dex zone

Hypertext Bestiary 3

I have unlimited power now


we make blenderscript better

Betweeen the Wires 3

is anything REAL?


rule 34 suez canal

Hypertext Bestiary 4

Nossex? The missing London borough?



Betweeen the Wires 4

im actually unironically back


Chambers Video is Real

Hypertext Bestiary 5

i love income


Economy is Real (kind of)

Betweeen the Wires 5

you'd have to throw to lose



Hypertext Bestiary 6

i'm John Furryfluid


witscord ATTACK??

Betweeen the Wires 6

WHICH one of you is doing this


ballscord ATTACK!!

Warp Zone


You're not supposed to see this unless you have nojs lol hello nojser

These are footnotes to underlined texts


You have Stopped Seeing, and Started Looking. You feel zooted...

Stream Dev

at the time (Season 0), we mostly focus on stream overlay dev (sort of). in the future, we may expand into other types of making stuff like art, video editing, or even game dev.

How to Join IRC

see the pubnix guide by noted clonkhead fabius for how to join IRC.

Twitch Chat is actually IRCv3

this also means we have IRC to IRC communication kind of (right now stream chat doesnt get picked up by clonk irc, but the other way works and discord gets picked up by both).


  • basic structure is something like [instrument][global modifier][notes] separated by the | (vertical bar) character.
  • currently available instruments are sine, tri, sq50 and drum. when instruments are not provided (such as the original bells text), it defaults to sine.
  • global modifiers apply to every notes in this track. by default, C is C4, and BPM is 75.
    • octave control: ' increases default octave by 2, , decreases by 2 and " increases by 1. this can be combined like ", to -1 octave.
    • bpm control: ; to double bpm, : to triple, - to half bpm, = to third. manually typing numbers bells style works as well.
    • microtones support: % followed by number to set equal temperment that starts on C. for example, %31 (31EDO) would make C~F6# a single octave.
    • & copies the previous track's global modifiers. useful for multi tracks with same bpm.
    • . is a blank modifier, and is used to separate instrument from notes. when instrument name is blank, the song gets saved as the "notes" as a title. the song such as .title|sine.[notes...] can be later used like !song title as a shorthand.
  • notes are composed of the tone and modifiers. [ character creates a group of tones that plays at the same time and all gets the same modifier. for example, [CEG= plays a 3 beat long C major chord.
  • available notes are C D E F G A B, black keys can be expressed by C# D# F# G# A# or alternatively X S R T Q as shorthand. rests are expressed as /.
  • lowercase letters are uppercase letters +1 octaves.
  • there's also J K L M N H I as C3~B3, Y U O P W as C#3~A#3, j k l m n h i as C6~B6 and y u o p w as C#6~A#6.
  • octave control from global modifier also works here, but also bells-style number notation works (C#2 is the same as X,)
  • beats control from global modifier works as well, with ;: shortening the beats and -= lengthening it. C;= would be 1.5 beats, and 0.3 seconds on 75 BPM (default).
  • beats can also be added or deleted arithmetically by +, ~ (addition) or _ (subtraction). where every term begins with 1 beat. C++ becomes "C for 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 beats", C=+_:- becomes "C for 3 + 1 - 2/3 = 10/3 beats".
  • much like octaves, beats can be specified by @ followed by a number. like C#@5.5.
  • < and > drops the attack and release of each note respectively, allowing for slide type action.
  • ! is a special modifier in that the note doesn't "advance the staff line", allowing for notes to overlap with different note lengths and whatnot without multi tracks. see the blank arpeggio (W@12!/C@11!/S@10!/Q@9 P@12!/C@11!/S@10!/T@9) as an example.
  • ? is a special note (NOT a modifier) that takes in global modifier as a modifier. this changes the global modifier mid staff, allowing for bpm shifts and such.
  • ] stops modifiers (exists for bells compat).

since prod is korea, Twitch Korea doesnt save VODs despite the setting being on and therefore it is gone. i will recap as detailed as possible to compensate.

after 1(+5/7) week of unhealthy gamer development, prod finally goes live for the first* time. and then everything goes to shit after.

chat stops working after the 10th message, everyone shows up as "prodzpod" (this is technically lore accurate maybe), prod haven't finished making the 3d model thing so its just a png (that doesnt move, worse than a pngtuber), everythings messed up.

most of the discussions remains as part of the twitch-discord bridge that thankfully mostly worked.

prod complains about how they "planned everything and its all fucked up", then tries to showcase the gizmo, and then the stream dies upon !login. they boot it back up only for it to go off again when someone else tries logging in.

they fix like 1 minor issue and then the voice gives in because they were singing vocaloid songs while coding that entire week. they get sleeby and end stream like 90 minutes in. we raided tyumici.

the debut stream happened. the model style appears, the gizmo is shown off, and some introduction happens.

we also discover the modal of "z-fighting", which probably will be a core part of the broadcast.

plenty of errors happen, and the creature gets sent to various inaccessible locations frequently. also the window title is broken. lol.

we raid exodrifter_ after talking about how i was tired when i first joined her stream and was kinda annoying lol

today's accessory is a hastily put together "mushroom witch hat". the concept of a weekly accessory is brought up. the powerpoint docket becomes a regular thing after the positive reception from the first stream.

pose system is shown off as well. the "cyberspace graph mode" is shown off, describing each corners of the gayness scale and softwareline meter.

we also create the first ever general redeem: , that removes a random number of triangles from the creature. creature becomes shambles quickly.

the websocket zone was bugged to hell though, spamming "what???" (also known as inaccessible code mode).

we talk about the progenitors, john react to the -1st session of prodzpod v scenario (the serendipidous collab) within imgeiser, and raid digi_shell with lcolonq in the chat, completing the trifecta.

today's accessory is a halo thing, its got stars in it, brb screen was introduced here, as well as proper window tracking by obs (this is the thing in the episode 1 video)

we lay out our Grand Plan - the temporal list. the eternal formula to HAPPINESS, some may say. the details of this list is still changing and growing with the input of all of you, so please comment if you have a sick idea or feel like some priority shifting is needed.

SEASON 0: testing in prod

we set up the infrastructure necessary to move forward: economy, emotes, achievements, and font renderer is in order.

SEASON 1: "z-fighting era"

we will be making chatters into customizable "desktop buddies" that can fight each other and roam around the screen.

we will also make prod desktop buddy into a real executable you can all utilize in your personal computer.

we will also try to move away from javascript, learning various new languages and trying them out by swapping parts of our infrastructure with one written with the new language.

EXTRA: "leveling up"

"level up"s will be an expensive redeem that multiple people have to redeem to activate. this is done as a way to gauge the sustainability of the broadcast.

upon "leveling up", major additions will happen to the stream. this can be a shift in schedule, some new major goal or format, or some kind of special events.

in terms of what we did today, we yapped for 4 hours and then played a bit of noita. we raided the slab i think

today's accessory is bnuuy monster stuck onto the creatures head.

today the pod experiences EXTREME activity as prod find themselves in a fixation of sorts - we are suddenly thrown off track and begins to create a "song" mode, not too dissimilar to various sources from friends of the channels.

we review (JOHN react) our way into three different videos, lay out what is needed for the song style and begins actually coding on stream????

prod also laments the lack of emote representation and desires this to be rectified immediate. (this is not rectified immediate.)

petting also happens here, as well as the invention of the auto petter.

in the redeem side of thing, we experience the pit and become consumed by it for a solid hour.

we program under duress to create something that is like half working but then realizes the design flaw that doesn't distinguish between chords. we declare DEFEAT and we are lost it all and we are losing and help me to breathe or something of this nature. we went on for 6 hours and we get to see a glimpse of "the limit".

we emergency evacuate onto hexadi lands.

today's accessory is a western ish hat and glasses.

this session marks the beginning of a vicious cycle of "boneless week / bone-in week" that the pod will experience throughout the entirity of the remaining season.

after we push ourselves to "the limit", prod experiences a minor case of bonelessness and experiences lament as to their lack of power.

asquared's auto petter gets more violent and occasionally duplicates itself now. shit gets weird.

we get shocked by it being a fucking month already and does some looking back and whatnot. bottom bar clicking, screen actions as command, !furrowthemareofeidola command was also introduced here, and we introduced more bugs onto the scene.

we also get first message notification, raid notification, god i was productive this week very holy

but yeah we continue off from last week and actually completes song redeem in a relatively good fashion.

we raid dante daedalus mode

today's accessory is roblox mode ??? idk we didnt have much time for this

we introduce two new screen commands: pin and kill to balance the window spams. this however also caused on oversight where a chatter can end a starting soon screen and brb in behalf of the streamer lol.

with the introduction of the screen commands the windows doesnt come back for a good while and the screen remains relatively clean.

instead we spent our entire budget this week on the funny docket which was like a full on business scrum ??? meeting. we kinda shit on our progenitor 1 saying he got famous and he acts like he dont know nobody and my channels kinda like if modclonk ran a silly computer channel (the last part is kinda true still)

we find our sweet spot of "4 hour streaming" and discusses our future plans again (this is going to keep happening until season 1), and discusses any potential wants of the community (10 viewers).

we discuss emojis again (this is still not done) and other various elaborations on the future plans of the episode 3 era. following is a keynote of what we discussed so far.

  • General Streaming
    • Should we start an hour before: people said no
    • I want to involve you guys more in the programming sessions (general statement)
    • I thought i needed Videogames to fill the void but you guys are very activitous thank you love you all
    • are you guys getting preroll ads despite by non affiliate status: people said no (good)
  • Marketing
    • we need like a catchphrase or like a brand thing: we kinda have it but "core" thing is kinda weaker than i imagined
    • we need to make our own shit that isnt mooching off of clonk lmfao: our entire viewerbase and me is mooched off of clonk LOL
  • emotes 2
    • should i make it like general emotes or me emotes: people wanted emotes with the creature in it
    • i decide to make a sample set as a test, these are mostly static emotes with hastily drawn graphics
    • what kind of emotes should we have: we present ideas such as a "sorry" emote, "confusion" emote and teal heart
  • achievements
    • the icons we have will become gacha bullshit but not entirely
    • the icons will have "tiers" and only the "common" icons will be gacha bs, the other tiers will be given out by completing certain tasks (achievements)
    • were still working on the achievements but i want to encourage fucking around with the gizmo right i want people to take apart the gizmo and interact with every corner of it
  • economy
    • this is the stuff we were supposed to talk about since session 1 but we finally have some answers
    • things we want to avoid
      • create a gap of wealth between new and old chatters, lurkers, discord joiners and etc
      • create fear of missing out
    • why have economy system
      • sense of hoarding (fun)
      • protects spam of potentially annoying in excess stuff like songs kind of
      • sense of achieving (fun)
      • can be used in various projects
    • usage of iu
      • "spam protection" small cost redeems like windows and songs, and various shimeji redeems we will have in season 1
      • big redeems that you have to save up for: unlocking common icon gacha AND "level up prod" redeem (see session 3 lore)
    • SOURCE of iu (this is possibly the most important thing we discussed today)
      • sitting around in stream (much like twitch points)
      • completing achievements along with icons
      • talking (but not too much so that lurkers arent too far behind)
      • daily checking except its weekly checkin (gives leeway for fomo)
      • a random gift system that chatters can trigger (that gives points to random chatters)
        • this has few positive effects im looking for:
        • making gap between chatters and non chatters smaller (everyone can recieve)
        • encouraging active engagement via being a cool gifter to chat but for free
        • not enough incentive to create fear of missing (its random whether youll even get it or not)
        • it feels good when you get it (random luck that gets better as you sit more in the chat)
  • goals for season 1 (major)
    • A1: making a little guy (shimeji project)
      • chatters will get a desktop buddy virus executable type thing that represents each chatter
      • they will be customizable by each chatter, and have ai based on their chat pattern
      • chatters can also take over and control the shimeji
      • they can spawn them into the screen via a redeem and make them fight each other
      • fighting is done via z-fighting and whoever comes out on top wins
      • but also theres a skill element by retreating at the right moment and a kind of chicken game aspect (its a lot like runescape pvp)
      • these will also be used in various minigames outside of fighting (such as chatter racing, where they will throw previous chat messages at each other to slow each other down)
    • A2: prod distributable
      • make a cross-platform prod shimeji that actually can live on your desktop and terminal
      • desktop prod will react to stream if stream is on, do various creature things and walk around your windows and stuff
    • A3: yellow language (never ever)
      • we will rewrite various parts of the gizmo in different language than pure javascript and learn various programming patterns while doing so, this is the most technical project out of the A patterns
    • B1: ???
      • B projects are kind of a secret and is not revealed here
    • B2: ???
      • something about craft???
    • B3: make the game actually god DAMN
      • Startellers will be developed live on stream officially confirmed. hopefully we can make the custom C# fake gamemaker engine and get this done this year?? the project has gotten a bit too ambitious though with it now being a "freak game"... we'll see...

we raid keitaro channel (ch)

todays accessory is a sort of a glitched look, it cycles between all the previous accessories in a random combination from time to time.

i rectify and correctly view the clonk situation as beyond any sort of inferior or superiority but rather a state of equal and comradery. with also i discover an interesting extra discovery in the fact that im speedrunning lcolonq broadcast zone.

we try to shift our gears towards the modularity, but then the broadcast is suddenly stopped as we discover how gouche and sick and twisted the original gizmo is structured. prod swears they will create the new and improved rewrite of the Gizmo 2.

we upgrade the WASD to FIB - basically just wasd with array [] and dictionary {} support, its suffed as always.

we explore the medical doctor x(shipping) cai channel

the "boneless prod" comes and they are actually dead as hell. like deceased. bro is not thinking.

the accessory is literally a greenscreen bc im ready to apologize.

gizmo2 has been built only halfway and like none of the shit worked, including screen, chat for half the stream and all the commands.

we buzz around for a small amount of time and make !qat, crossword finder integration for the gizmo.

we quickly evacuate onto woman channel

the black witchhat and big moon prod is back with a vengeance, and by vengeance i mean the REVAMPED screen. it looks so good now and all the commands are back.

the petting also returns and its somehow even more obnoxious.

we discuss going to "gay con" and have a random Studio369 encounter.

we start sorting icons by rarity and brainstorm some achievement ideas, while discussing future gizmos we can incorporate for the achievements.

this is also rare in that we dont program at all in a while. we instead game for a bit.

we visit kani developer

prod is suddenly met with a cruel fate at 1am when their parents crash the living space because of business related emergency, and mic and keyboard priviledges are largely taken.

they quickly whip up a tts thing (janky) hexadigital style to emergency communicate, and bird noises are abound throughout the stream.

gizmo2 finally goes public, we sorted icons properly, and better font renderer is FINALLY in its early stages of development despite being talked about since episode 1. yeah.

but yeah we bring friends of the stream nichePenguin and ctrl_o computers into Planetarium and Depths zone in the world of 2kkiing. CU hype!

we slip into the realms of the crt man

prod is Green is Good Mode and becomes zenith once more. they try to reference something in the lore but gets lost and becomes john mandela.

they showcase the docket in a new format: drawing worlds in those dream games. we discuss the "Two-Week Cycle" phenomenon they discovered where their energy state is in a state of consistent flux.

they also catch up to the progenitor by becoming bon vivant today, and discusses how they are so back now. we showcase kalimba, we showcase new blog, and we discuss how programmingtime need to be sillier.

regardless, todays stream is artstream where we draw the default shimeji for Ascension purposes.

in the middle we gets bombarded by 13 thousand windows and lag out the computer, art under duress has been achieved.

we adjoin the the president of linux

we start off with the intro offset with the graphic bc lag (LOL bruh), todays prod has blocks stuck onto it and generally unstable.

and then we show off the NEW format in docket: one embedded within the gizmomode.

today's theming is Ooze, the slime, and we reflect on this with :susdie: as we interpret these messages as a form of fluidity, where they finally realize that maybe they shouldnt stress about being funny or silly or entertaining bc theyre not growing their channel anyways and the content doesnt matter as much as banter.

they vow to never overwork themselves again as they immediately announce a overhaul to the cs zone.

we then create the shimejis, going Ascension mode, this resolves quicker than we expect and we add web functionality so you can spawn and move them too.

then the ending gets triggered prematurely and we are sucked into the ending screen where a new season is revealed, with 2 sessions per week and some improvements to come.

we hastily vacate onto the jd channel, and later that day clonk reveals his theme of Ooze as well. we have stepped into the future.

prod is ooze mode (PHYSICAL instead of mental) not because its an intended aesthetic, but like bc the colors broke LOL oh my god

prod returns in below minimum viable product mode, no starting soon or brb screen, physics is very bad ("quicksand" occurs), chat window goes above the zone and covers the creature, everything is wilding.

prod spends 2 week out of their 3ish week break making the elaborate new textmode, and all the functionality of the new v2 textmode is revealed (its awesome).

we do a lot of returnation related chatting, i showcase the new raylib gizmo and tell the tall tale of how we got there, and we overcome this immense duress by coding back some miscellaneous commands like remove triangle, gravity and idol dream.

we tease the next time zone by playing a bit of tetris (HUGE mistake LOL) and raid just about to raid out as well zone.

prod is back into the land of un-oozed, song is back and the quicksand is mostly fixed as well. we encounter a problem where starting soon screen is not closable due to "issues".

we then talk about how it is Freaking Monday ??? this is the first time streaming in monday and its actually kinda wild that it is so soon that we meet again.

we do the ascension again where i create the shimeji things back into reality. unfortunately?? we do the job too early that even after doing the extra quest of putting the user labels in were done, and we weren't going to play freaking tetris again so were raiding seto zone.

prod is mixing and matching season 0 equipments until new season begins proper, and this time its the teal items and white dress.

we talk about the tall tale of prod in Tetris Hell and how they survived the ordeal, and reflects upon the gamerization of last time, vowing to never have such a problem again (they do).

they come up with THREE (3) objectives, restoring capital, restoring bottom bar and restoring the BATTLE that is the z-fighting.

we struggle a little bit on the bottom bar as we fail to nail down the positions and we find a bug in the nine-slice mechanisms but we blaze through the rest of it, leaving another hour to fill yet again. prod is absolutely not playing tetris again, so we raid the shrimp lands.

prod is proper dark mode today as we prepare the no signal zone.

prod talks about how they went to touch grass with the girls and now they have no time to get the gizmo working in half a week (and therefore no emotes :( ) in like 40 minutes lol.

we play the point and click narrative type game by exo guy, and gives it like a playtesting thing.

we 100% the demo and send the reviews over. however during the tail end the ram situation exceeds the given quota and the stream lags into the hell zone, making the game unseeable AND the stream a minute into the future. this issue persists as prod from this point forward acknowledges the chat a minute late constant.

we then had some time over so we go and play the yiff video game (rogue style). this is the game they working on on stream as well. we play until floor 4 ish and then prod figures out the game is 13 whole floors long. this will be a staple of the FREAKING monday sesh.

prod briefly considers raiding a new guy and then feels raiding not exo applying my own god damn feedback feels improper.

prod tries to make model 2 and discovers huge flaw and fails and resorts to wizard hat wand



window count return


prod is extra gay today (also halo)

emote mode real!!! also everything crashes bc of it

we make twitch 3 (half of it)

weekly is finally fixed

we also play more of yiff game, pink guy dies (lol), stop at floor 6

i forgot i raided jd before fuck, i mean it was either that or mord so

prod goes ck mode

holy fuck

just watch the vod again this is insane

raid geiser

prod is cowboy + bunny

prod goes from boneless to bone in over the course of the stream

we make dex real

advance to floor 7 of yiffgame

raid 37

prod is a cube??

prod talks about the art of "epee"

we take a look at blenderscript (bpy) and actually make it better (lock in)

we listen to 100 bottle

we get there in the end and play 2 matches of qp2

raid kuju

todays accessory is that my arms are broken

we talk about matrix multiplication

zulleyy3 collab (sudden) we test twitch feature

we improve various corners of gizmo

we ascend 1 level of yiff game

raid person


big pebbler

prod reveals the big list:

  • chatter stats
  • icon & cursors
  • achievements
  • economy
  • reactions
  • fugi
  • parse audio (whisper style)
  • hook up midi
  • more physics
  • baseline for minigames

list another

usually the space is going to be reserved for star tellers

BEFORE we go there

we "have" to finish some things

  • urobot
    • classic graph problem
    • python
    • fetch data from wiki auto
    • config game, start, restriction
    • np whatever
    • wont take too long (i think)
  • looksy 3
    • editor ui
    • add symbols
    • make puzzle
  • audiovisual content
    • the chambers video
    • season 1 ??? highlights

we explode chatters real now

tetris (we lose a lot :c)

raid wow thats wild this guy also has a zed in they name like i do

EXTRA SESSION: prod then goes on vc and attempts to gain tetris rating back, we have like a 10 guy vc where they get SS back and play rd for a bit and just like actually do another hour of streaming kind of geiserstyle

the hatgay consumes us and we are Void Fiend

we talk about jake a lot actually but actually none of them is jake related hes a jumping off point for discussion

we showcase the tetris mode windows where drawwindow is transparent

we realize emojis are somehow sorted in some way rn

we discuss the chambers video and record new voicelines

we use the remaining time to workshop new variant ideas for prod clone zone

raid wow theres another yellow creature in this zone?? nowaying

piercing ??

todays docket is a choose your own adventure style (we got 7/10 points)

we talk about various gaming related topics

we then make icon change system on screen (!changeicon)

raid dude people just think im an agent of clonk or something all my raids are clonk raids what the hell, the forever viewer


its the best game

im so bad

we quickly evacuate onto woman channel again

prod is pots and pans rn (also communism (is this true or rubbish?))

we play infinite craft for too long we just brought it up for an analogy

i talk about my 3 hour walk half stranded and like needing to go out of korea get a job lol fuck or sotn

we do polls and predictions today !! 100% complete feature mirroring with affiliates now

user noneuclidean than finds the channel and posts me on #casual causing the reverse wpost to happen, many mares were furrowed

we complete the backend leaving the screenzone/gizmozone to be done, we evaporate onto happy birthday must

prod is happy cirno day

SPECIAL SESSION: prod fixes their ror2 mods in celebration(???) of dlc2

we fix like all except 8 mods, then ballscord ATTACK then modcord ATTACK

ballcrew was rowdier than witcord and did caused plenty of duress, but we pushed through

we liquidate onto finally i get to raid this guy

Mastodon Mastodon 2